How to deal with temper

Things are not always the way we want them to be. And in such scenarios one may lose his cool and often resort to behaviors, not good for him or for anyone close to him. One must always know how to control his temper. Here are a few quick tips to follow:

Take a timeout

You must have heard that count till ten or repeat your favourite song in your head when you know you are about to showcase your unfavourable side to others. This tip is very common and is often given to kids, but this will work with anyone in the same way. Instant reaction to a situation is often unthought of and thus may be very dangerous. Whenever there is feeling that you are about to burst out on someone the best resort would be to give some time to your brain. Temper vanishes with time or at least you cool down a little bit. If frustration is too much, then it would be ideal to take a break from the situation or the person for some time before giving out any reaction. The free time will give your mind enough time to reason out things and come up with a logical explanation for a situation.

Exercise a lot

If you feel that your temper is about to erupt, it would be better to engage yourself in some sort of physical activity. Brisk walking or running can be good. This helps you to give an outlet to your frustration and your irritation comes out in a positive way. While carrying out physical exercises the brain is stimulated to release certain chemicals that will make you feel happier and more relaxed. Physical activity that you can do are not only restricted to running and walking. You can also try washing dishes, cleaning your room or your workplace or anything that involves less involvement of brain and more involvement of your body tissues.

Practice self awareness and self control

It is very important to know why you are feeling in a particular way. It is important to reason out a situation with yourself before discussing it with others. Self awareness can be gained by spending some lonely time. This gives the brain time to evaluate situations and one’s feelings become clearer to oneself. Besides it is to be known that “you are the master of yourself”. Your will power and your inner strength will help you overcome situations more than anything else in life. Powerful techniques like meditation, yoga can help people reach the stage of self awareness and self control. Such techniques should be practiced for living a healthy life for self and also creating a healthy lifestyle for the people in our life without hurting them with our unnecessary anger.

Choose the right company

The company you keep are also determinants of your state of mind. Some people are like thorns in our life. They will irritate us no matter what. It is like a perception that we develop about some people and slowly we lose our temper on everything that they say and everything that they do. The company that we keep is very important. If some relationship or a person or even a workplace is bothering your mind, the best course of action would be to walk out of it as soon as possible. Be with people that you like and choose your surroundings wisely. When you feel happy, it is unlikely that you will lose your temper very soon.

Express your feelings

We never act as we feel. Rather we keep stacking things for long in our mind. In such cases when the mind is full we burst out and that is unbearable for others. Develop an open rationale towards life and do not be afraid to say what you feel at a moment. It is good to engage in healthy discussions than showcasing unhealthy temper. When you find out ways to express your feelings about things they will get sorted out automatically. Suppose you do not appreciate your partner coming late at night, discuss with him. Let him know how you feel in a humble and polite manner.

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