How to deal with fear of ghosts

deal with fear of ghosts

Human beings are in all possibility strange and work in mysterious ways. The system of human beings is such that sometimes there is no plausible explanation as to why certain things work the way they work. One of such things is common phobias that human beings face. Phobia generally means an unnatural and unexplained fear for something or the other. For example; arachnophobia. People suffering from such phobias are unnaturally afraid of spiders. Also, there is hydrophobia, the fear of water.

There are offbeat phobias as well. For example, anuptaphobia. People suffering from such phobia generally tend to be afraid of being single. Similarly, comes the phobia of all phobia; phasmosphobia or spectrphobia. This exceptional phobia is all about being afraid of ghosts.

Perhaps, the most debated topics of all times are whether ghosts or spirits exist or not. Whatever be the truth, there are many people around the world who are stuck with being afraid of them.

[box_dark]The Implication[/box_dark]

Ever felt spooky while left in a cold, dark room? Ever felt afraid of the dark? Ever felt like something cold suddenly setting in while in some place? All these and much more are basic indications that you may be suffering from phasmosphobia. In many cases, you may even acknowledge that such fears are baseless and may have even tried to shake off those spooky feeling and prickling sensations off your neck.

Nevertheless, the indications in the case of many people are much more grave than usual. You may have heard about sudden bouts of shaking and anxiety attacks. Furthermore, you may also have heard about unnatural sweating, breathlessness, palpitations and the mouth going suddenly dry. Sometime, people have also been heard of losing their ability to think properly.

It might also have been frustration for you to acknowledge that the fears are irrational and sometimes irritating. You have got to understand that sometimes such fear might stem from the unknown or the paranormal, if not the genetic make-up.

[box_dark]The Remedies[/box_dark]

Past life regression has so far been seen to be a novel but effective approach in the case of many. The semi-primitive remedies still hold true. Take hypnotherapy for example. Your subconscious mind is taken and dissected, complete with re-programming.

Yet another method is the very old energy psychology. Quick and safe, primitive manner of acupuncture is used without needles. Nero-Linguistic methods have been seen to work well too.

Above all, facing your fear headlong is the best remedy.


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