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How to deal with competitive cousins?

competitive cousins

Why the competition?

We face competition in every aspect of our life and it is sometimes from a friend or a family member or may be a co worker. Facing competition is not an uncommon phenomenon for anyone however only a few know how to handle it graciously. A healthy competition every now and then is necessary and fun as well but if someone say a friend or a cousin takes it to the extremes then it really gets on the nerves. There are different ways to handle different people in your life for example the tactics for your competitive friends might not work on your competitive cousins. Let us go in detail on how to tackle the cousins who are excessively competitive.

Competitive cousins: how to handle them?

You must love your cousins but what if they always are in a competitive mood? It really becomes difficult to handle such cousins especially when you often face them in a family get together or even worse when they come and live with you or it is the other way round. Here are some handy tips which will help you to tackle such extra competitive cousins:

  • You have to remember that it is not an uncommon phenomenon that is happening only to you as in every family there are sibling and cousin rivalry so get used to the fact that this is a common scenario.
  • Avoid losing your cool even if you are fed with the excessive competition with your cousin. You are obviously not a kid anymore and you know when to react and when to be cool as if you don’t care therefore never let your dark side take over.
  • A good sense of humor is a great solution to many problems and the charm of it also works in the case of a competitive cousin. Just think of the rivalry as a joke and laugh about it as it will help you to be cool and you do not want to use your energy in competing unnecessarily.
  • Being gracious is the key mantra to remember while dealing with an excessively competitive cousin. No matter what your cousin is up to you always be charming and your cousin might mend his ways.


The relationship between cousins can be a beautiful one but as we discussed that competition can creep in anywhere and if you know what to do then even a competitive cousin can be a fun pal.

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