DIY strategies to deal with challenging clients

DIY strategies to deal with challenging clients

Whether you like it or not, you are bound to deal with people of various personalities if you are a consultant. While some may seem jolly, agree with you upon most of the things, some others are challenging, unsatisfied and unhappy even if you try to do your level best. Dealing with such clients can be difficult.


In such cases, put the saying, ‘Prevention is better than cure,’ into practice. Yes, instead of waiting for a challenging client to become unhappy, work in such a manner that you don’t give him a chance to act challenging or unsatisfactory. Try these strategies for the same.


  • Communication works well and can be a crucial problem solver. So, bridge those communication gaps. Call the client once in a while, be courteous and wish him a happy weekend or goodnight. A little bit of extra effort here and there can be a blessing for maintaining a strong relationship with the client.


  • Communication in turn will help you to know more about the client. Effective communication will give you a clear picture that what motivates and inspires your client or what may trigger or de-motivate him. Consequently, you can work your plans and decide your strategies. That will ultimately make you enjoy your job as a consultant and even if something goes wrong, the client won’t be aggravated, thereby making your business and your professional relationship better.
  • At the time when monthly reports are delivered to the challenging clients, there is a chance that the result might not be as fruitful as the client expects, thereby resulting in non-satisfaction. Therefore, you should be well aware of the client’s expectations and must have an explanation behind the reason for unsatisfactory response. At the same time, if you want to deal with the challenging client, you must gather information on what strategies can help the organization reach the client’s expected level.


  • One of the most basic thing that needs to be done as a consultant is to keep a record of all the conversations with the client. After every phone call, follow up with an email with all the important points of the meeting as evidence making your record no different from the clients.


  • Try and submit regular monthly report without fail. Monthly reports can be hectic, but sending them on a monthly basis will make the client clearer about the progress of the work. Providing honest monthly report will never give your challenging clients a chance to complain.


These are a few tips that will not only help you to deal with the challenging clients, but also give you an idea how to strengthen your relationship with clients.


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