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Death Is Certain Rest All Is Uncertain

Death Is Certain Rest All Is Uncertain


If biDustbin rth is certain death is also certain. Two things an individual can pass to     others: Love and Death. This is the hard fact which people often tend to forget. Death is inevitable and death creates space in family. But no one can win against death.

Death is the saddest truth for living beings. One has to come out from the grief of death so as to bring life back to harmony. There are different reactions when death occurs in a family. Also living and living too long will make an individual crave for death. That is the reason why death is certain. When birth is truth death is also a truth. Mythological books believe that the family members who die do not go anywhere. With births and rebirths they tend to be that family itself. Also the western culture has started believing this hard fact of reincarnation.

One should die like a warrior and there should be only one death which He has decided not many deaths which an individual feels inside him. He should adore dare and embrace death. One should not fear death but should feel that once there is birth and once there is death.

As Soon As One Is Born One Starts Dying

Life is like a novel where there different chapters with different topics and sub topics. One should always try to make the book interesting so that everyone can read and cherish the moments. One should not only live life but also should feel life. Only then the journey of life can be interesting.

No can replace the person who has died but after death the memories will bring him closer to his near and dear ones. Death cannot be delayed or bargained. When death is scheduled it will happen no one can stop it.

Death aims only once and death never misses it. Once it takes a shot it will make it sure that the target is achieved.  No one can escape death that is the hard fact of life.

Death Is the Start Which We Lead To Light And Which Takes Away The Darkness

Not only a person dies physical but there is also a emotional break up in it. One has to deal rationally when death occurs. Sometimes strange behaviors are seen when there is a death in the family. They are as follows:

  • Denial: Memorizing the fact that this cannot happen to me
  • Anger: Why did this happen?
  • Depression: experiencing pain of the lost one
  • Acceptance: Best is yet to come

These are some of the reactions that can come when there is death in the family. But one has to cope with all these factors.

Death is a family can shatter individuals’ also lifelong implications. One has to believe that the space cannot be fulfilled by anyone. As the saying goes that “No one can play your character better than you”. We live as we die and die as we live. Make it sure that the journey called life should be worth living and not fearing from death.

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