Credit cards can be a blessing for people who know how to handle them and use them wisely but the ones who get bitten by the curse of temptation that comes along with the package are the ones who pay for everything. Here’s a guide on how to handle your credit card debt and finances.
Debt management programme
Many companies offer a Debt Management Program (DMP) to help people who are suffering from credit card debts. When you sign up for this plan, you need to come into a contract where you allow the bank to collect money every month from your bank account and in return they slash your interest rate to a very high percentage. However, DMP affects your credit score but not as much as not paying the money at all.
Seek a counselor
If you do not receive help from card companies, it is highly recommended to seek help from a credit counselor. They are specialized individuals who can help you sort out your credit management and can also assist you in devising a payment plan with which you can fulfill your card commitments and also work out your daily expenses.
Debt settlement companies
This is a very unreliable factor which comes in this line of industry. Debt Settlement companies are those which offer you help by speaking to your card company on your behalf and get you a good settlement deal which might nullify the entire debt or cut it into half. Their mantra is that instead of paying the credit card you pay them and they will help you take care of your debt through settlements. However, there is no guarantee that your card company might accept any such settlements and you might end up losing a good amount of extra money.