Contribution, not accumulation- Live A Great Life Podcast by Dr Prem – Chapter. 10

Contribution, not accumulation- Live A Great Life Podcast by Dr Prem – Chapter. 10

Here is a quote – Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy, true fulfillment.

—Tony Robbins

While managing the basics of existence, humans also do myriad activities to ensure that their life gets better with each passing day. They do everything possible to support their families, earn a living, enhance their persona and impress others with their mannerisms. But they forget that people are remembered not for gaining something, but for sharing what they have gained with the world. To carve out a meaningful life for yourself, don’t just accumulate, also contribute.

Humanity calls for action and positive contribution

Most people never find the time or take time out of their schedules to think about higher goals, their contribution to society, their surroundings, or the people they care about. They come into the world and depart from the world without bringing a smile to a stranger’s face. We need to acknowledge that most of us have such a mentality and lifestyle, which doesn’t allow us to think about how insignificant our existence is despite the riches that we have accumulated so far.

It is time to restore some balance to the world through a decision to give a little from what we have gained. You don’t have to give up your wealth and turn into saints in order to contribute to this planet. But there are ways through which you can fill an empty cup without emptying your kettle.

Accumulate wealth, but be socially responsible

There is nothing wrong with thinking of ways to acquire wealth, get richer, and move up in the world. We should always strive to do better things and improve our status in society. However, when we talk in terms of society and social responsibility, it becomes essential for us to think beyond just accumulating wealth. Social responsibility means a constructive obligation to act for the benefit of society as a whole.

Other than donating money to charities and feeding those who don’t have food, we can create job opportunities for jobless youth or be a part of medical campaigns. Furthermore, we can think of ways to create affordable housing or volunteer for social causes. We can invest in ideas that have social awareness or change as one of their core components.

Seek inspiration from those who changed the world

We do need to take a cue from people who changed the world through their contributions. Great personalities like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Anne Frank, Swami Vivekananda, Mozart and several others achieved the stature they did because they had an indomitable spirit and the urge to do something good for humanity. Even Charles Darwin was a dyslexic, average student with no interest in academics; nonetheless, he is remembered today for his theory of evolution that signifies how transformation and change is the law of nature.

Cursed with a debilitating speech impediment, Emily Blunt, against all odds, became a highly rated and awarded actress, whose roles in several movies inspire us to push forth and do something meaningful.

All these personalities had the opportunity to sit idly on the stack of cash they earned through hard work. But they chose to contribute and not to accumulate. This act is what gave their lives intrinsic meaning and value. So there is no excuse for us not to wake up from an inactive stupor and make good use of our accumulations.

Once again, you don’t have to sacrifice everything you have attained so far to become a selfless contributor. Remember, little drops of water make a mighty ocean. The idea here is to not just accumulate more and more for your self-interest, but also to participate in the welfare of the community through even the tiniest act of compassion and kindness.

There could be no better example than that of Mother Teresa here. A Roman Catholic nun, she spent several decades in Kolkata serving the poor. Her novel initiative, The Missionaries of Charity, was all about looking after people whom nobody was prepared to take care of. In 1952, she opened the first home for the dying.

She was fittingly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her efforts to reduce poverty and distress in India and other parts of the world. Her contributions and successes validate the fact that more than the resources, we need the intent to contribute.

Find your true potential to make a meaningful contribution

Each one of us is special. You might not be able to do what others can do with ease and precision. Similarly, what you are capable of might be unimaginable for someone else. Hence, the mantra here is to find the inherent capabilities, skills, and talents that make you special and unique.

In order to find your true potential, what you need to do is simply determine your core values, visualize the person you want to be, challenge common thought traps, and have a clear sense of your goals. A growth mindset, realistic thinking, positivity and the readiness to take up responsibility will help you show your grit and combat your fears.

Your contributions will be remembered forever, even after you bid adieu to your earthly self. So consider making at least one meaningful contribution before the chapter of life closes.

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