
How to improve your calligraphy and impress everyone

Our brain works in magical ways.  It never seems to amaze us. However, to explore its potential to the fullest, we must be aware of how to properly cultivate it. In fact, even simple things like meditation, learning more languages and learning to play an instrument can assist in brain growth. In fact, there are two sides to our brain. One of them, the logical side, grows by learning classical music, doing maths and studying philosophy. The other one, however, the aesthetic side, it develops by looking at beauty or doing something artistic. A great way of developing this side of your brain is by indulging in calligraphy. Here, in this article, we would give you 17 tips on how to improve your calligraphy.

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Why Calligraphy?

Calligraphy is an admirable skill. If you’re interested in it, it can be a valuable outlet for you, as you can practice it as an art to distress. Lots of people use their calligraphy skill to earn a living too. You can lend your beautiful calligraphy skills professionally to design agencies, greeting card companies or make living writing quotations and framing them. If you’re a beginner, you may be looking for a few tips to on how to improve your calligraphy. We have outlined a few tips for you, which we hope you will find very useful and helpful.

17 – Tips on how to improve your calligraphy

1. Practice makes one perfect


Like all art, calligraphy too requires practice. The more you work on improving your writing, the better you will be. It just requires patience and nurturing. It will take some time to hone your skills, but don’t give in to frustration. Learn how to improve your handwriting by using different methods. Keep pushing yourself and enjoy the process.

2. Choose you pen carefully

You get special calligraphy pens that matter a lot to the outcome of your practice. They’re not necessarily expensive, and you should try out a few calligraphy pens and pencils to know which one will suit you best. Though the common notion is, or rather used to be, that fountain pens were the only pens used for calligraphy, it’s not true. You can use roller-balls, felt tips and ballpoint pens too. Your pen of choice must have a nice thickness, and the color of ink should be pleasing too.

3. Sit in the right posture

You should keep your back straight but relaxed, and curl the non-writing fingers loose under the writing hand. Rest your hand lightly on the table.

4. Hand position


According to experts, the pen’s top should rest on the base knuckle, or in front of it. You have to hold the pen in a way that you don’t have to push it too hard on the sheet. Left-handed people can buy calligraphy pens specially designed for them.

5. Do air writing

Write big letters in air, moving your shoulders and holding your arm right in front of you. Get all your shoulder, arm and chest muscles working, as these muscle groups will be used when you write with pen. Write smaller ‘air’ letters to practice more.

 6. Watch some videos

There are some really fun and useful videos on how to improve your calligraphy. They will teach you some great tricks and styles in an easy manner. The videos are short and entertaining, and you will definitely have some eye-opening moments. Watching videos will motivate you highly too, and inspire you to keep on writing.

7. Merge calligraphy and art


To satisfy the artist in you, you can combine various artistic elements with calligraphy. This is one of the tips on calligraphy that are given to beginners by experts. You can then design greeting cards and send them to family and friends. Their surprised enthusiasm will help you to keep going on your journey of learning how to improve your calligraphy.

8. Use practice worksheets

Do use handwriting improvement worksheets to improve your calligraphy. You can find many free practice sheets on the net. You can find handwriting improvement worksheets which will help you in all aspects – Uppercase and lowercase letters, sentences and words. Just as coloring sheets relax people, these handwriting sheets will help to relieve the daily stress.

9. Use lined paper or template

How to improve cursive handwriting is not a big science. As mentioned before you have to practice. Even when you think you’ve got it, you should use a lined sheet (notebook paper) under an A4 sheet, so that you write in a straight line!

10. Keep rotating the paper…


…till you get it right! If you’re right handed, rotate your sheet towards the left, and left-handed people should rotate it towards the right.

11. Try out new mediums

Did you know that the kind of pen you’re using and the ink you use makes a huge difference to your calligraphy skills. Try out different pens such as oblique pens (brass and plastic) and use the one that you find the most comfortable writing with.

Buying new supplies will encourage you to continue and give a boost to your skills. New supplies can break the monotony and inspire you to start writing in many different styles.

12. Practice writing descriptive words

It seems that writing descriptive words would help to bring out the best calligrapher in you. One of the ideas is to write colors and express their nuances with the uses of strokes and hues. Try writing words like ‘Peace’, ‘love’ etc – how would you express them through calligraphy?

13. Practice every letter of the alphabet


Focus on one letter of the alphabet at one time. Write one sheet of capital and one of small letter. Do this with all the letters of the alphabet, and repeat this exercise every month. This is one of the best ways on how to improve your calligraphy.  Use this method as a mode of meditation and relaxation.

14. Get inspiration from social media

If you want to know how to improve cursive handwriting, check out the calligraphy art of other people on Interest, Integra, Easy – try #pointedpen, #moderncalligraphy and #calligraphy to find some excellent exponents of calligraphy.

15. Read some books on calligraphy

Find some great books on the art of calligraphy, which will give you some great insights on how to improve your calligraphy. You can try reading the ‘Great Literature Copywork’ for starters.

16. Step out of your comfort zone


Seek out challenges, as it will urge you to improve your calligraphy skills. You can take up assignments, which you have to deliver to perfection – this will definitely up the ante for you and help you take your calligraphy skills to the next level.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to go forward. Design flyers for your office bulletin boards, or write in beautiful lettering on chalkboard, whiteboard or chalkboard.

17. Keep your journal in calligraphy

One of the best ideas is to write your diary or journal in beautiful calligraphic handwriting. This will ensure that you practice every day.

Do not be disheartened by your initial efforts. Keep thinking positive and write the best you can. Find what you enjoy writing most, and keep writing that.

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