
Mistakes to Avoid While Designing Your Home Office

Work from home is dream come true for many, thanks to the modern technologies that have enabled people to connect to work while staying within the comforts of their home and managing their tasks. In order to increase your efficiency and work better while staying at home, you need to design your home office carefully. Your work place should be utilitarian, organized and fashionably too. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid while planning your home office.

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Being hyperactive or completely apathetic towards the home office:

Working from home aims at being comfortable without hampering the work efficiency. The work area should be such that you feel relaxed and at the same time inspired to put your best foot forward. Hence, you should neither completely avoid nor become over excited about your work place and on the contrary try to create a balance by planning your workspace accordingly.

Choosing the wrong place for the home office:

Many a times, people overlook the importance of selecting a correct space for home office. For those who do not have a room dedicated for their office, you should choose that corner which is undisturbed and can accommodate the essential furniture for your office. You can plan your home office in any corner of your home, whether it is your living room, bedroom or your balcony, according to your needs and likings.

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Being inattentive towards the home office furniture:

Inappropriate furniture can ruin the ease of working from home. Hence, in order to work comfortably and efficiently, you should select the right type of furniture, depending on the space. The furniture should be space efficient and cozy too. Improper furniture might end up in several health issues like back pain and shoulder pain. Choose a chair that is comfortable for the back. A variety of chairs, especially designed to provide comfort and support to the back and the arms, is available at the markets. Most of the home offices are fitted with the wrong type of desks. The desk should be such that it provides you with ample storage options with considerable numbers of drawers and good tabletop space. This would help you organize your office while enhancing productivity.

Carelessness towards the surroundings:

Your home office surroundings have a great influence on your work efficiency. No one wants to see mess and disorganization after taking a break from work. You can place some plants in order to make the surroundings pleasant and inspiring.

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Not considering the importance of walls:

The work area, even if it is a part of the living or the bedroom, needs to be separated, so that it enhances the feel and the productivity of being at work. In order to achieve this, you can use different color for the home office wall or even good wallpaper will do the same. You can choose any color that you like the most and keep you inclined towards completing your work in time. Remember, colors have the power to enhance the mood and atmosphere of place can keep you energized.

Neglecting the floor space:

According to the doctors, both your feet and soles should touch the ground while you are working. The floor where you work should be comfortable and hence, you should try placing a rug or a carpet, as changing the entire flooring of the room would not be possible. Also feeling comfortable at the feet will stimulate your brain to work faster and better.

Other common mistakes include improper lighting of the room you are working in, hanging wires and lack of creativity.


If you want to increase your efficiency while working from your home office, you must avoid common mistakes that people make while designing their home office. If you avoid these mistakes, your home office will be the best place where you can work and relax at the same time.

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