
Interesting And Creative DIY Coffee Table Ideas For People On A Budget

There are so many budget-friendly DIY coffee table ideas that you can use. Having a coffee table in your family room is always a good idea. Instead of going and buying one from the market, you can make one yourself with things that you do not want. In this blog, you will get to know a few innovative ways to make your own coffee table.

Coffee table from a wooden barrel

wooden barrelAmongst the different DIY coffee table ideas, this one is worth considering. For this, you need to cut a large sized wooden barrel into half. Make the legs either in the form of a semi-circle to hold the barrel or place steel legs. To give it a finish, add glass on top and your table is ready. You can also create a door like opening if you want to use the barrel as a storage space as well.

DIY coffee table ideas with wooden log

If you live by the lake or in a farm, the one thing that you will have are wooden logs. Instead of throwing the small pieces away, you can make your very own coffee table. Since wooden logs come in different shapes and sizes; you can choose the one that appeals to you the most and use it.

Making a coffee table out of a large fish tank

Instead of throwing your fish tank, you can convert it into a coffee table. This is one of the most interesting coffee table ideas, which allows you to have your very own indoor garden as well. If you want, you can choose to go with artificial plants so that you do not have to worry about watering them every day. Otherwise, choose indoor plants that do not need too much of maintenance.

Coffee table with storage

DIY coffee table ideas with storage facilities are perfect for people living in small houses. The dual purpose of having a coffee table and a place to keep things helps to reduce the furniture you have in your house. There are varieties of this kind of concept so go ahead and use it to your benefit.

Old surfboard coffee table

Old surfboard coffee table

Old surfboards can come in handy in so many ways. Instead of throwing them out or letting them just lie in the garage, you can make your own coffee table. Use the surfboard as the top layer and place it on a pair of legs. This is not only one of the creative coffee table ideas but also a budget-friendly one.

Coffee table with a lower shelf and balusters

DIY coffee table ideas with balusters can bring in a nice look to your house. The balusters not give in a different feel to the coffee table, but also serve the purpose of the legs of the table.  This is a great way to use the old balusters of the staircase.

Bookshelf and coffee table with old spool

old spool

You can use interesting coffee table ideas with old spools in many ways. For those who love to read books, you can make a bookshelf out of the old spool and place a glass or wooden plank on top. If you want, you can two different spool sizes. Use the bigger one for the coffee table and the smaller one for stools to go along with it.

Converting a large-sized stool into a coffee table

If you have a large sized stool that you no longer use, you can convert it into a nice coffee table. All you have to do is place glass on the top to give it a leveled finish. Just place this by your side or even in the center of the room and you are all set. This is a good idea for those living in small house.

Old suitcase coffee table

Old suitcase coffee tableAn old suitcase will always come in handy if you want to be innovative with your coffee table idea. Just place the suitcase on top of a wooden frame and you have a nice table ready. You can place various things inside the suitcase as a storage compartment.

Using wooden crates to build your own coffee table

For people who are looking out for creative coffee table ideas on a budget, this is the best idea for you. Use wooden crates back to back and form a square or rectangular shape. You can use the open end of the crates as a bookshelf, a storage area, or even leave it just like that.

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