We all like to have a fancy house decorated with the best of interiors and the finest of furniture. But the work is then only half done. Kitchens too need to be paid their fair share of attention and the furniture in the kitchen too needs to be on point for the perfect house that you dream of.
Here are some kitchen furniture designs that you can use for your kitchen to change the looks entirely and give it the elegant touch. You can also use these ideas as design tips for small space and we stand guarantee that you would agree that your house has never looked better.
Some of the best kitchen furniture designs
- A Pallet Wine Bar:
Image Source : decoratorist.comThis particular furniture design comes in very handy for storing the extra bottles as the hollow space can be used up easily to fill up the bottles inside the pallets. This table would be ideal to sit and have a good drink alongside your food and all this while you can be seated on the bar stools. Apart from being flexible enough to suit your various needs this setup will not even take up much of your space and yet provide you with a fine ambience.
- A wine rack on the walls:This is one of the smartest ideas for decorating on a budget where if you are unable to have a new table in your kitchen, you can have a simple wine rack hanging on the walls of the kitchen. Small goblets can also be stored in this holder apart from the usual wine bottles. This is yet another fine idea to save valuable space in the kitchen area as all your work can be done with ease and you lose no space in the process.
- A coffee mug holder idea:
Image Source : ilikerainbows.coThe first two kitchen furniture designs might impress the wine lover but the coffee addict would have little to cheer about. So this particular setup has something for the coffee lovers to smile about. You can create your own beautiful and rustic coffee mug holder and leave it hanging on the walls. Apart from being a really nice decoration in your kitchen this design will make your favorite mugs easily accessible. - A gorgeous and rustic kitchen design:This design is a good example of how the modern decoration ideas deal with the idea of recycling. The pallets are recycled in this particular setup and can be used as a cooking surface or even as shelves if it is so crafted. If you add to this system some other rustic items, you will have at hand a setup that would have the industrial and rustic look to it.
- The Kitchen Island:
Image Source : cdn.1o1pallets.comDesign tips for small space are often pocket friendly options as well. For instance you can always make yourself a fine kitchen island with recycled pallets and save a lot of money which would be otherwise spent to have one installed. It is a very handy item to have in the kitchen and if it can be easily assembled by you, your search for kitchen furniture designs might end here. - The pallet pot rack:The cutlery, pans and pots in the kitchen are often tucked away in a cabinet which takes up a lot of money and space to be built. This pallet pot rack which can be installed on the walls can be a great space saver, not to mention the money you would save when you do not have to build the storage cabinet. The small kitchens specially would benefit a lot from this smart move where all necessary utensils would be right there without taking up any extra space.
- A canning pantry cupboard:
Image Source : ecosnippets.com
You can easily use a disassembled pallet to have a canning pantry cupboard made as a part of kitchen furniture designs. This will help you save a lot of space that is otherwise lost to provide room for the cans and jars in the kitchen. Creating a canning pantry cupboard is no difficult task and you can do it yourself if you look up the process on the internet. Try giving your kitchen the much needed new age look, despite retaining the flavors of good old times. - A rustic pallet cabinet:Few kitchen furniture designs can have as rustic a look as a pallet cabinet. Just ensure that the usual cabinets in the kitchen are replaced by this and in no time you will see that the kitchen has changed its look completely. What used to be a plain and simple kitchen previously now has the nice antique look to it that is bound to impress everyone. Just follow some easy step by step tutorials so that it can help in your setup process.
- A play kitchen:
Kids love the idea of having a make believe kitchen and few things will make them happier than a play kitchen area to play in. This you can easily put together by using the pallets in a different form. Previously we learnt their usage in different forms and now it merely would be made into a play kitchen. It may be for kids but this is among those kitchen furniture designs that help you get hold of many other potentially good ideas.
- A different kitchen island:We already spoke of one Kitchen Island and this particular setup is somewhat similar to that. The finish in this setup however is very different and that is what sets the two apart. There is rough transition made of red paint at the bottom here.
Final words
There are plenty of modern decoration ideas doing the rounds and it might indeed be confusing to pick from them. We strongly recommend that you pick from the options we just provided you with and these will also help you in decorating on a budget. Try them out and be amazed at how the dynamics of your house change overnight and how all your guests are left in awe of how you have done your house.