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World No Tobacco Day – Let Us Be A Part Of This Campaign
Look at these angels from heaven, warning us about the impact of smoking. Tobacco the No 1. Killer across the world. Kids all around the world are encouraging smokers through their artwork/slogans to quit and protect everyone from smoke. They help to educate the public about the tobacco problems. Tobacco kills more than 8 million people a year. As you know, In times of pandemic people are fighting for catching deep breaths to survive, and quitting smoking will help people to breathe fresh air.
Did you know the first kNOwTobacco Campaign was launched by me and my team in Dubai in association with the Ministry of Health and Dubai Healthcare City, then later several campaigns were launched to educate harmful effects of Tobacco and made it one of the longest-running campaigns? The hashtag #kNOwTobccoDay simply means if you KNOW harmful effects, you will say NO.
Together, today on 31st May, on World Tobacco Day let us be a part of this campaign #kNOwTobaccoDay, and Let’s shower some love for these little miracles and the amazing and spectacular message they are sharing.
We request you to share this with everyone you love, especially spend some time to educate kids about the harmful effect of tobacco and the cost it has on family, nation, environment, and most importantly on their own health.
Also, feel free to share pics of your kid with any of the slogans you like and with hashtag #kNOwTobaccoDay so we can send you a template design for you to post on your story or feed. Together let’s create awareness.
Let’s stop this deadly habit and Make a promise to end this menace one step at a time.

Lets say #kNOwTobaccoDay
Jessica Clington
Desh Sharma
The sooner the better! #kNOwtobaccoday
Pronati Sengupta
This is lovely… Great initiative by these tiny tots. 

Ansari Shoeb
Amazing campaign on #knowtobaccoday
Karanza Patekar
Loved it!!

Sunil Zadane
Such adorable kids with great message! Initiative!

Sonakshi Jagwani
Great Initiative
Kudos to these little Angels

Nancy Zom Riwatthana
Very nice campaign.,. Lovely
Arushi Jagwani
Great work 

Komal Rathi
Nice campaign jiju…it’s really awsome
Prem Jagyasi
Karishma Kristina Tannan Babies, adorable love them so much. They must not suffer what we suffer from second smoke.
Vladislava Zapashna
Good! I support it !#kNOTobaccoDay
Nilesh Paliwal
Wonderful work bhaiya 

Preeti Vikram Navlani
Shailesh Patil
Amazing Post Sir with These Cute Images
Nandini Naharoy Moulik
So adorable pics. Let us respect the messages of these lovely angels
Thasale Pranit
Wonderful work….

Sky Sony
This is Awesome
Markat Keshari
Very Nice post
Ram Jha
Amazing Post Sir with These Cute Images
Firdaus Hassan
Absolutely adorable