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This Time It Was TUG of WAR Game

My trophies are not from international speeches only, some time it’s fun game that adds feather in cap. This time it was TUG of WAR game. 20 players each side of rope, 12 male and 8 female, I was lead player but it was team efforts that won all three games including final. @whisperingpalmskandivali is sport enthusiasts, truly one of the best society in town, and I feel priviledged to be part of it. Salute to volunteers and organizers.




Shailesh Sukheja – I heared Naman Saying ‘Chak De Phatte’
Prem Jagyasi – Hahaha you recognised his voice. They were jumping.
Prem Jagyasi –  Big roar of building four. Me taking video.
Dolly Khatri –  Kitni trophies laogey bhai..superb vedio.
Gopal Gattani –  Shabbash Prem !!!
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