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Self-Care And Self-Love Are All About Doing Things That Make You Truly Happy


Self-care and self-love are all about doing things that make you truly happy, it is about pampering yourself. It is the understanding and acceptance that every happy looks different, and boldly and proudly embraces your own kind of happiness.
It can be as basic as cuddling up with a book and hot cup of coffee, or embarking on a wellness journey to find happiness. It is about dancing because it makes you happy and not because you want to punish your body for eating that extra slice of pizza.
It’s giving yourself permission to exist fully and wholly. Learning to say no when things feel overwhelming, learning to give time to yourself to unwind and relax, learning to accept that it’s okay to make mistakes. It is doing things because it gives you a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness. It is not forcing yourself to do things that feel like punishment.
It is a way to reconnect with your mind, body and soul.
We should understand the importance and the role of mental health, and how equally important it is to keep our minds healthy.


Saif A

Self-Care boosts Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul

Shailesh Patil

Accept who are you Love yourself

Ansari Shoeb

Self care enhance our mental health

Julia Vedmedenko


Shailesh Patil

Self-Care is an Important too to help you live a more Positive Lifestyle.

Sunil Zadane

Yes, sometimes we just need to slow down, have a lazy morning and look at the sky.

Suman Singh

Yes this what I advise my cancer warriors it’s important.. I am dying to associate with you for my medical tourism dream project just waiting for the breakthrough.. God willing Soon

Nandini Naharoy Moulik

Unless you take good care of your self you can’t take care of others.

Amlan Mansai

First, Accept yourself so that the world will care for you.

Stella Maina


Imtiyaz Ansari

Be yourself, An original is so much better than a copy.
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