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HOSPOTEL – Insights On The Future Hospital With Seamless Wellness And Hotel Integration

HOSPOTEL – Insights on the future hospital with seamless wellness and hotel integration

Excerpts from an article published in The Arab Hospital Magazine.

I firmly believe hospitals need to evolve from their traditional practices and deliver something more to improve patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. HOSPOTELS will be the future hospitals by adopting more cross-sectoral wellness and hospitality services to enhance the patient’s journey to healing.

HOSPOTELS – Key Features

1. Patients like to be treated as guests
2. Good Pre-admission experience
3. Wellness design and architecture
4. Feel-at-home ambiance
5. Integrated mind-body programs
6. Empathetic communication
7. Wellness catering
8. Special wellness programs can make a big difference
9. Prompt and effective post-discharge care
10. Caregivers are vital to uplifting hospitality standards
11. Monitoring patient satisfaction
12. A good working ambience

HOSPOTEL - insights on the future hospital
HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital1
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital2
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital3
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital4
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital5
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital6
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital7
HOSPOTEL - insights on the future hospital8
HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital8
HOSPOTEL - insights on the future hospital9
HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital9
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital10
HOSPOTEL - insights on the future hospital11
HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital11
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital12
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital13
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HOSPOTEL – insights on the future hospital14

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