Dr Prem's Sustainability Guide, Consultancy and Solutions

Simple, non-tech ideas to dramatically reduce your carbon footprint

Probably every now and then you come across a long list of latest technological inventions that could help you reduce your carbon footprint. However, something or the other ranging from financial constraints to a wide variety of other reasons stops you from getting hang of all those technologies. To help you guys out, we have brought a list of some very simple and easy lifestyle changes and ideas that will enable you curb your carbon footprint seamlessly.

Buy local food

Diet and nutrition. Happy housewife or chef in striped kitchen apron offering healthy fruit isolated

You love eating apples year round but they do not grow anywhere close to you the entire year. To fulfill your and demand of others like you, the non-season fruits and vegetables are sourced from distant lands, thus contributing to carbon emissions. If you want to do your bit towards sustaining environment, you should buy in season and locally grown fruits and vegetables. When there will be no demand for off-season vegetables, there will be no transportation and automatically the environment will become better.

Use oven’s top shelf

Blond woman cooks with a microwave in a modern kitchen

Considering this tip, you can reduce the time your oven takes to heat up your food, eventually saving electricity and your money. An oven runs on a heat mechanism and the top is the hottest area inside it. Therefore, placing your food plate on the top shelf will save your time and electricity, thus reducing your carbon footprint.

Eat smart

healthier eaten raw

Your eating habits contribute a lot towards increasing your carbon footprint. You need to do an in-depth research to find out what impact your food choice leaves on the environment, and ultimately on you. Researches show that a non-vegetarian meat-eating American produces approximately 1.5 tons more greenhouse gases than his vegetarian peer. It takes far less land and a number of resources to grow food crops than raising cattle for meeting food requirements of non-vegetarians.

Say no to black trash bags

black trash bags

You must be using black trash bags at your home or office pretty ignorant of an important fact. Those black trash bags have black pigmentation, which prevents them from being recycled. They do not decompose and end up in landfill sites. Therefore, stop using them and go for white trash bags or any other green alternative you can come up with.

Walk, cycle or take public transport

Young people reading in train

You love your car but you ought to love your environment as well. It will only take care of you, if you tend to take care of it today. To reduce your carbon footprint and help sustain the environment, you should walk to office or to market if possible. You can even ride a cycle if you want but stop using your car a lot, as it brings into use a lot of fuel and contributes to the air pollution. Moreover, the increasing number of cars is making the roads and the streets too congested. Therefore, the ideal way to escape all such difficulties is to use public transport. You can also go for carpool, which is a great option too.

Paint your roof white


This is the easiest you could do to curb your carbon footprint in summers. Your roof will not let the sunrays and heat pass. Your room temperature will not rise in summers, which means good electricity and money savings on your part.

Use energy efficient appliances

home made smoothie

You must have heard and must know about energy star appliances. Now it is high time you get home and start using them if you haven’t already. It is no rocket science getting your hands at such appliances, as they come with a big logo on them reading their energy star ratings.

Mitigating your carbon footprint is not that tough, all it requires is a few lifestyle changes and some creative ideas in mind.

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