Dr Prem's Sustainability Guide, Consultancy and Solutions

Make your own cling wrap with these DIY ideas

A natural and easy alternative to the usual plastic wraps are the homemade cling wraps. These are the best options to completely eliminate the use of plastic wraps and using an eco friendly substitute for the kitchen products. The cling wraps are reusable and can be made with beautiful prints and other creative ideas.  The reusable food wraps are also quite easy to maintain as you just have to wash them with mild soap in cold water and then leave them in open to dry. Below mentioned are the DIY ideas to make your own cling wraps at home.

Gathering the things to make cling wrap


Image Source : woodguide.org

The basic ingredients which will be required to make cling wrap are beeswax, a pan or container to melt the beeswax, a fabric according to the user’s desired size and chopsticks or tongs. The type of fabric plays the major role in making non-flaking, smooth and long lasting homemade cling wraps. Usually the fabric with thinnest and tightest weave is the best for this purpose.

Covering the fabric with melted beeswax

In a bread pan or any container, melt enough amount of beeswax by placing it on a very low heat so that it melts slowly. Place all the pieces of fabric one by one in the melted wax to coat them properly. After the wax is cooled and hardened, check out for any edges or spots that are missed and dip those areas again to cover them properly.

Using and storing the homemade cling wrap in the kitchen

cling wrap

With the warmth of your hand, just let the beeswax to slightly soften after covering or wrapping the item and then press and lock the cling wrap into the right place. It is really very easy to use the wraps and easier to maintain it too. After use, you can wash it with a mild detergent in cold water. Do not use hot water as it can melt down the wax. It can be stored by rolling it up or simply folding it and placing it in any drawer or cabinet.

Benefits of switching to homemade cling wrap

The cling wraps that are prepared at home with creative DIY ideas are a sustainable option. They are healthier and also prove to be a great money saver. They will substantially reduce the production of toxic plastic wraps. They create less waste as they can be washed and reused several times. Having your food wrapped in beeswax fabric is a much better and healthier option as compared to the food wrapped in plastic which is toxic and harmful to health. The list of benefits is quite a longer one, thus it is the best idea to use these homemade cling wraps.

Maintaining and caring for the homemade cling wraps

It is quite easy to maintain the homemade cling wraps which are very beneficial in several ways to the users.  Usually it is ready to use after simple washing with a mild detergent in cold water, but sometimes it may look worn out and not in shape. In that case, some more wax can be added to retain the shape and making it ideal for use again. It works perfect in covering baked goodies and casseroles and wrapping food items like sandwiches, cookies, cheese and many more. But it is not the best choice for long term food storage. It can only be used when the food is to be stored for a shorter time. Juices, wet food items or other liquid items can also not be stored using the beeswax wraps. Other than these few limitations, the cling wraps are a perfect option for food storage.

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