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Guide to eco-friendly festivals from around the world

Festivals and big events of any nature tend to leave a lot of waste in their wake, and use up a lot of resources of the local community. The amount of disposable material produced in these places is huge. There is a growing consciousness about a green lifestyle and people are practicing that on many levels, taking big and small steps, including celebrating in a green manner. If you’re a fan of festivals, and have a green attitude, here’s a list of the most eco-friendly festivals you can attend this year, and have a great time too, while keeping your eco-footprint low:

Top 11 most eco-friendly festivals around the world

1. Secret Solstice, 21-23 June, Reykjavik, Iceland

Secret Solstice

Image Source : secretsolstice.is

Everything about this festival is enticing – from the location (inside a glacier!) to being not just one of the most eco-friendly festivals, but perhaps the number one environmentally friendly fest worldwide. This is because the emissions are balanced by the trees purchased for a forest conservation project in Madagascar. As Iceland gets 21 hours of sunlight during the summer solstice, the energy output is much less than other festivals. Renewable energies such as geothermal energy are used to power this fascinating event.

2. Green Man, Brecon, Wales, 15-18 August

The organizers take a lot of care to preserve the environment at this festival. The attendees are requested to follow green policies such as bringing biodegradable materials such as degradable glitter and wooden tent pegs etc. Plastic which can be used only once is frowned upon, and reusable glasses and cups are allowed. The Green Man festival is attended by eco friendly people and you will be able to celebrate in August of every year.

3. Pohoda Festival, 11-13 July, Trencin, Slovakia

Pohoda FestivalPohoda festival is known for its diverse lineups as well as holding a green event equal to the best in the circuit. It partners with domestic/local solar companies for the energy needs of the fest. The national railway is also a partner of the festival, and provides transport options to reach the venue. Electric trains have very low emissions, so the festival lovers can travel in an eco friendly way too.

4. We Love Green, 12-19 June, Paris, France

The festival lives up to its name, as there are numerous green workshops held during the festival. The lineup as well as its progressive attitude has made this France’s most eco-friendly festivals. The leftover food is composted, eco-toilets and rationed toilet paper promotes green living concepts and shows the gathered audience how to practice being eco friendly even after they go home.

5. Lollapalooza


Mention music festivals and Lollapalooza will get a mention for sure. It’s a huge festival with thousands of people attending and a lineup to die for. Lollapalooza has tried to establish some rules on the ground, such as providing a large number of recycling bins, composting bins as well as water stations to help reduce the use of plastic water bottles. Festival goers get Lollapalooza merchandize in exchange for collecting recyclable items.

6. Splendorin The Grass, Yelgun, Australia

The dates have not yet been announced but the festival will be held in Yelgun, Australian. The great thing about this festival is that while buying your tickets for the fest, you are also buying carbon offsets, as the entire money from the ticket sales is used for Australia’s green energy projects.

It’s one of the most eco-friendly festivals in the world for another reason too. The ‘Camp Zero Footprint’ has a unique challenge for the campers – to minimize their impact as much as they by planting trees every morning, and using reusable camp equipment. The winner gets VIP tickets for the fest next year, so plenty of people vie with each other to get those special tickets.

7. Burning Man, 25 August – 2 September, Black Rock, US

Burning-Man-FESTThis legendary festival has made a mark for itself not only because of its lineups, but also for its progressive ideology. This festival abides by some strict principles, and one of them is never to leave any trace. The fans too are amazing as a group of them started a non-profit known as Black Rock Solar, and installed a 30kW solar energy array. This was later donated to the town of Black Rock, enabling the locals to enjoy renewable energy. Burning Man is one of the most eco-friendly festivals.

8. EDP Cool Jazz, Portugal

The event is sponsored by EDP, who are also one of the main electricity utilities in Europe. The festival has something for everyone – soul, pop, rock, funk and jazz. The food which is unserved is not wasted by distributed among families who need it. Re-Cup provides reusable cups which reduces the plastic cups’ number.

9. Northside Festival, Denmark

Denmark FestivalThis is certainly one of the most eco-friendly festivals around. The festival, which was started in 2010, has always tried to uphold sustainability. The structures in the festival are made from wood. There is no parking space for cars, so people are forced to walk, bike or take public transport. The food is local and organic. The future plan is to have a 100% garbage free festival.

10. Latitude, 18-21 July, Southwold, UK

Latitude is known as being one of UK’s most creative and flamboyant festivals. Sustainability is the soul of Latitude, and the festival works in tandem with the non-profit Julie’s Bicycle, which aims to decrease the emissions within the music and entertainment industry. As part of the Festival Vision 2025, the festival has pledged to reduce waste and diesel consumption by 50%.

11. Fuji Rock, Japan

Fuji Rock, Japan festivalImage Source : m.economictimes.com

Fuji Rock has made a name for itself for its pop and alternative lineups, featuring the biggest stars in the world. The green ethos of the festival is reflected by the efforts to preserve the beautiful surroundings. No shuttles in the festival mean that you have to walk, and a number of recycling points ensures that people separate their trash. The materials and utensils used for food and everything else is eco friendly.

For festivals to continue in the same exuberant manner as before, they have to embrace a green attitude and sustainability. They can be extremely influential in spreading the green message among young people through the fun and music. Urging people to use biodegradable camping materials and utensils will reduce the carbon footprint of these festivals.

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