Dr Prem's Sustainability Guide, Consultancy and Solutions

Why going green is most practical way to clean environment?

We no longer live in a clean world. In fact, today, humans are leaving a lot more carbon footprint as a part of their toxic legacy than they ever did. No matter what we do, where we go, what we eat or what we wear – each action of ours add to the ever increasing pollution that is already killing us. Pollution, like a slow poison, creates an adverse effect on the overall global environment. More the number of vehicles and industries, the more is the contamination in the environment. Sometimes people even find it difficult to breath easily in a polluted environment. Pollution is caused in excess due to many large businesses that have their focus on making money rather than maintaining a clean, green and healthy environment. Let us check out 10 practical ways to help clean the environment before you hire a social work essay writing service to help you with a college project.

Your role as a citizen


The smoke emitted from vehicles, industries and factories are carried to miles and ultimately generate dirty and unhealthy pollution. As a citizen, you can play the right role to control maximum pollution by following a few of easy steps that starts from your home. You can discover different ways to keep the environment clean, green and healthy.  Read on to find out what you can do from your end to reduce pollution.

1. Reduce the usage of your electrical appliances

Solar powerThis serves as the best means to conserve the energy. You can buy appliances that are not only environment friendly but energy efficient too. One of the best ways to conserve electricity is by switching off all the lights and appliances when not in use. You can wash your clothes in a washing machine using both warm and cold water instead of using hot water. Dr Prem Jagyasi advises using solar power for heating water instead of an electrical appliance.

2. Reduce the usage of your wooden stove

Wood stove tend to generate excess smoke into the air which is harmful for the health of your entire family. Instead you can cook food on energy efficient appliances that promises low cost and quick cooking too.

3. Drive your car less to reduce the problems of parking spaces

parking issueYou can drive your car less and acquire other means of transportation instead. Many countries recommend repairing of leaking air condition of your car, which adversely destroys the upper layer of ozone atmosphere. You must also be careful while filling your car with gas and see that it doesn’t spills off the tank. You can also use motor oil that is energy-efficient. Over the years, the number of vehicles on the roads have increased. Due to this, it has also become difficult to find parking spaces. Foldable bicycles and scooters such as Roboscooter will reduce your carbon footprint and parking space issues.

4. Maintain a healthy ecosystem

It is the need of an ecosystem to have good interaction with green plants, organisms and animals in a healthy environment. These three helps to keep the entire ecosystem healthy and alive for many years together. It is due to excessive air pollution and global warming that the entire ecosystem is negatively affected today. With a little change in your daily lifestyle, you can definitely help to protect the entire planet with its ecosystem is a healthier way.

5. Reduce usage of chemicals and pesticides

Avoid pesticidesIt is always advisable to eliminate maximum household chemicals and pesticides that directly pollute the green environment. Instead you can make your own solutions for cleaning purpose using distilled vinegar, lemon and baking soda. There are many ‘green’ cleaning products available in the market which is environmentally friendly and conventional cleaners too. You can find out the practical ways to help clean the environment by choosing better alternates than using chemicals and pesticides.

6. Reduce carbon footprints and cut down air pollution

There are many ways to cut back carbon footprints causing excess air pollution. You can lower the temperature of your water heater, wash dishes manually instead of using a dishwasher, reduce the use of air conditioner or heater and buy energy efficient lights to lower the energy consumption and heat generation level. You can also utilize solar lights around your home.

7. Recycle the waste products

The Ecofriendly goodie bagMany waste products like glass, plastics, aluminum and paper can be recycled instead of been disposed off in the dustbin. This will prevent any air pollution accumulated on burning these products. You can also use reusable towels and reusable bags rather than using disposable plastics or bags. There are many practical ways to help clean the environment on how you can recycle different materials.

8. Grow your food locally

Planting of the food locally helps in reducing the overall commercial transportation of food items. This is because it reduces the requirement of pesticides and preservatives to preserve them. These preservatives directly pollute the air. It is also a proven facts that organic food is more sustainable, unlike the food items that are preserved.  This is because it reduces the need of using harmful pesticides and chemicals.  It helps to reduce the harm caused to the entire global ecosystem.

If you find it difficult to grow organic food in your garden or backyard, purchase organic food products. Scroll down to the end of this article to learn some ways to consume organic food without burning a hole in your pocket.

9. Practical ways to help clean the environment by reducing contaminants

hazardous wasteIt is always a better option to reduce the usage of contaminants and toxic materials at home. A healthy environment begins from your home. Plastic products like plastic toothbrush, cans, and bottles can be easily replaced by wooden jars, cans, bottles. You can also use bamboo toothbrush instead of plastic ones.  You must also take care to dispose off all the waste material in a proper way rather can simply disposing them off in the bins. This will also help to prevent water contamination.

10. Avoid the pollution

segregation of wastesTry not to throw away trash or waste materials almost anywhere in and around your house. You must try to dispose off biodegradable as well as non-biodegradable wastes in a proper way and avoid littering it all over your home environment. Any excess air or water pollution can negatively affect you and your family’s health while destroying the entire environment globally.

By following these  practical ways to help clean the environment, you will make a big difference to the environment. These tips will also radically change your entire family lifestyle.

How going organic can help you clean the environment

Most of us want to shift to organic foods for a healthier lifestyle. However, the high prices of organic foods tend to deter our ambitions quite a bit. Not to worry though, for here are some budget friendly ways to enjoy organic foods in order to remain healthy and contribute to the environment in the process.

Check the best survival garden plants

Tips for going organic with your foods

1. Buy from Local Markets

organic foodYou may be surprised to note that a number of local markets sell foods that essentially are not certified organic by the authorities, but are usually grown using organic methods. Many farmers and gardeners are even able to grow foods using methods that are more organic than the certified standards. However, they would be able to sell these foods at a lesser price as they would not need to pay for official organic certification. So check out for local markets in your area from where you can buy organic foods at a lesser price without compromising on quality.

2. Buy from Specific Brands

Look around for grocery store chains that sell their own range of organic foods and products. These are usually available at just a fraction of the cost of designer foods. Do not worry about the health factor when purchasing these foods as anything labeled ‘organic’ definitely meets the standards set by the government.

3. Grow your own Organic Garden

Grow your own Organic GardenIf you have a backyard, turn it into an organic garden. This way, you can grow your own food rather than buying them from stores. Herbs, squash and tomatoes are easy to grow and can sustain in small plots in your backyard. You can also plant some fruit trees depending on the climate. Start with two crops and increase the count as you get the hang of it. Soon, you will be growing all the organic foods you need right in your own backyard.

4. Buy Foods in Bulk

It is a common notion that buying in bulk can help you reduce costs to an extent. The same goes for organic foods. Opt to buy foods like oils, cereals, beans, noodles, sauces and other packaged goods in bulk, especially when they are on sale. Choose products that have a long shelf life so that you can stock up on them while saving plenty of money in the process.
Not only this, the products we used in our daily life’s can also be replaced by Eco-friendly things and that too in bulk. Bamboo toothbrush in bulk is also available to serve the need of the people.

5. Buy During Season

Frozen-Food-PackagingOrganic foods grown locally during the season tend to be much cheaper than imports. So opt to buy them at the right time of the year. On the other hand, it pays to buy boxed or frozen organic food during the off-season, as they would cost cheaper than fresh food imported from different climatic region.

6. Buy products using Coupons and Sales Flyers

Make it a point to pick up sales flyers at every department or grocery store. There are chances that you come across more than one attractive bargain on organic foods. Several organic brands out there also offer discount coupons, which you can find in coupon books in health food stores. Check the company website to see if you can get any discount coupons on specific organic foods. This way, you can enjoy your favorite organic foods without paying too much for the same in the process.

7. Join a Local Cooperativediary products

Many families who shift to organic foods usually join a local cooperative. Otherwise known as co-op, these local cooperatives are organized buying systems that effectively combine the buying power of multiple families in the group to avail the most lucrative discounts on certain items in the market. These may include but are not limited to local meats, unprocessed diary and fresh farm produce. Hence, joining a local co-op in your area will enable you to save plenty of money on the organic foods you purchase regularly

If you are planning to switch to organic food, then you need not worry about the costs involved. Simply follow these tips to make the transition easy and budget friendly.

Keeping the environment clean by getting things recycled

Keeping the environment clean by getting things recycledThe growing amounts of human trash and junk has become an issue of prime concern. This deteriorated the atmosphere causing pollution, as many of these wastes are not easily recycled. The result, clogged landfills. The growing amount of waste is a clear indication of the overuse of resources and inefficient use of materials.  However, if the used materials are reused wisely to generate new things, we could get rid of the growing amount of waste on our planet.

The process of upcycling has recently gained importance in various countries to find new uses in the discarded items. Talented artists transform everyday waste into beautiful art masterpieces.

This is known as Recycled Art and is very useful. Artist like Enno de Kroon created multi dimensional portraits using old cardboard egg cartons. Philipe Bousquet from South Africa designs outstanding robotic figures from scrap metal and other objects. Frank Russell is famous for his innovative ability to change scrap metal and other household objects like ironing boards, cooking utensils and automobile parts into sea creature sculptures.

An online gallery called the NDI Gallery displays all the unique creations of many artists including the above, which is capable of sending a beautiful message of saving the environment to the future generations. You not only can create beautiful art pieces but also can be transformed into excellent gifting options.

The NDI gallery provides you with beautiful gift items created out of waste or recycled materials. This is a platform for the artisans from the entire world to sell their innovative products such as recycled jewelry, bracelets and earrings, lamps and other decorative materials required in a house.

For most of us, old metal objects may not be more than junk. However, people like Jennifer Vosteen find these materials useful to transform them into belt buckles and decorative showpieces.

Thus, the upcyclers are the people continuously in attempt to transform the useless trash into breathtaking artistic creations.

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