
The Best And The Latest Piercing Trends 2018 Brought To The Table

2018 is the year to be experimenting with styles and fashion. There is so much to try out and plenty to spice up your look with. Speaking of styles, ear piercings trends 2018 are the way to go if you are looking to make a fashion statement.

You don’t always need to go overboard with your ear piercings, and you can even sport a fancy look while being quite modest too. Having said that, this article speaks about some happening ear piercing trends 2018 has brought to us, and these are very well likely to continue in the next year too. Some of them are as mentioned below.

Stacked lobe piercing:

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This idea which has gone on to become one of the most sought-after trends in ear piercing arose from cases of lobe piercing gone wrong. The hole of the earring sometimes was placed high above or below the ideal position, which was then left unused. Stack lobe piercing is when you wear earrings in all piercings which appears like a stack of 3 from a distance.

This look may seem like it makes your lobe look crowded, but it really appears cute and elegant. Make sure you wear small earrings that don’t give out the over-the-top vibe when stacked up on the lobe. These go well with both traditional as well as western outfits, and you can easily pull off this look without appearing overdressed.

Daith piercing:

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Not a lot of girls choose to get a daith piercing done due to the pain it makes one go through. However, it is one of the major trends in ear piercing.  Daith piercing gives a pretty elegant and classy look to sport with all kind of dresses, especially as far as the current trends are concerned.

A girl with a daith piercing can have her overall appearance stand out since not many girls walk around with it. you can wear a ring or even a small and sparkly stud in the daith so that it lets out a subtle glow to your face and attire. This is, perhaps, one of the best ear piercing trends of 2018.

Anti-tragus piercing:

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Tragus is the portion of the cartilage right above the most bottom part of your earlobe. This is quite a less common method of piercing which is only adopted by a few girls currently. However, with the current ear piercing trends 2018 has given birth to, anti-tragus is soon about to lead all piercing types. The pros of it are many.

It takes your overall look several notches higher by just a little effort. You can use it for wearing an earring or a stud, or whatever suits your fancy. True that anti-tragus is not an easy place for piercing and also takes a while to heal, but is definitely worth all that effort.

High lobe piercing:

Conclusion: The concluding reasonforchoosing the right type of breadis that both breads have different calorie content. Also, white bread has less fiber compared to brown bread. It also contains more proteins contributing to whole grain bread satiating qualities. In a human body, the fiber calories are partially absorbed, further making fiber a marvelous addition to any weight loss diet plan.The intention behind high lobe piercing, which also happens to be one of the major 2018 ear piercing ideas,is to get so high on the lobe just before the cartilage begins in order to avoid dealing with the discomfort of cartilage piercing. As is common knowledge, cartilage piercing hurts enough to demotivate people from getting it done.

Which is why high lobe piercing, one of the latest piercing trends and ideas, is a good alternative and a middle ground to both. It involvespiercing your ear all along the outline of it, or maybe only a part of it, depending on personal choices. This is quite one of the ongoing piercing trends 2018 brought with it, and is getting more and more popular by the day.

Rook piercing:

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Rook is that cartilage and part of the ear just below the outer bone of it. Rook piercing is not very common, but 2018 says otherwise. The biggest advantage of getting a rook piercing done is that you can wear earpieces that sport shiny studs on both ends.

You can take it a level beyond studs and earrings and experiment with different styles and colors in order to up your look by a couple of bars every time you head out for a party or even a casual dining event. Rook piercing is pretty much one of the most popular of all ear-piercing trends 2018 has in its kit, and you must definitely try it out.

Summing it up:

True that the above-mentioned latest piercing trends and ideas are quite in fashion these days, they are not all. There is a lot more to fashion and style than just the piercings mentioned above. 2018 ear piercing ideas are all around the place. Celebrities and influencers are all making statements each day, and almost all of them are pretty stylish and classy.  You can pick up these ear-piercing trends 2018 has brought forth, decide what suits you best, and sport it with all the confidence in the world like there is no tomorrow.

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