
Tattoo book 1.0 introduced

Pro Media which is based in California introduced Tattoo Book 1.0 for iOS which has come as a big surprise for the universal tattoo society. This is a great application which has been designed to show off different kinds of creative tattoo works, new tattoo designs, new tattoos which have been worn by people everywhere cross the globe. The software has been designed to allow its users upload any possible kind of tattoo works thought of. This is definitely the key to the huge tattoo community which is fast gaining popularity.


Tattoos are intended to be enduring. That is what makes them different from the others, great, and exclusive. Different tattoos signify different kinds of meanings. Some tattoos have philosophical quotes on them while some tattoos tell a story of their lives. It turns a body into a world of stories and fantasies. Tattoo book is a new way to feel affection for new tattoos. Tattoos are supposed to be shared with the community. The tattoo book users share the journey of their life by the help of inking the same in their skin with the tattoo book community.


The art of tattooing goes back a long way. Primitive people used to tattoo their skins with ink and other coloured dyes. Tattoo book inspires all the tattoo users to unite under one community and share, motivate and astonish each other with their different kinds of designs. The application also has options where it can be shared in the Face book, twitter or email. You can find a varied collection of tattoo uploads, flash or original designs and more applications. Tattoo book lets you share your inked body with the others. This is a very user friendly application which is opportune to show off. Link yourself to a tattoo book page and show off yourself made designed tattoos to the rest of the world.


Getting a tattoo done is a remarkable experience and every time a tattoo is added it offers more and more to your character. A tattoo should be intended and investigated. It should be inspired from real good references that have similar tattoos. This is a great application where you can get a variety of tattoos. This is the greatest tattoo library available online.

This is a great way to help tattoo users connect to each other, share tattoo designs, ideas and pictures. This is an ideal application for people obsessed with tattoos or tattoo artists who are looking for inspirations. It also keep you updated about the different changes in the world of tattoo and so on.

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