
Eleven most unusual coffee table designs

As the famous saying goes, ‘There’s nothing like the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like victory.‘ If you are a true coffee lover, then you know how great it feels to sit beside a coffee table and recollect your thoughts over a cup of coffee. Well, by opting for something ultramodern instead of the usual, you can bring a new flavor into your life. Here are a couple of unusual coffee table designs that show precisely what we mean by this. These may be influenced by your personal liking. Let us talk about a few out-of-the-box designs that we can use to create a coffee table.

11 – Unusual coffee table designs

1. Guitar Coffee Table


The Guitar Coffee table can, of course, impress the musicians who love to play guitar. They would definitely long to own one of these coffee tables as it reflects their passion. A piece of Italian furniture manufacturing brand, Rocket has executed the design into reality. The brand is responsible to manufacture a range of coffee tables with the shape of a guitar.

2. Aquarium Coffee Table


A lot of people are quite fond of aquariums. They would find an aquarium coffee table to be very attractive. The aquarium coffee tables are made with acrylic sides that enable a viewer to see the interior with a removable tabletop made of 1/4″ thick and large tempered glass.

3. Moss Coffee Table

The nature lovers would no doubt find the moss coffee table interesting enough to own. This coffee table helps you get a feeling of having coffee in the lap of nature. However, live plants are not used in the coffee tables. The furniture requires dried moss of various types.

4. iPhone Coffee Table


The iPhone coffee table can be an obvious choice for the iPhone admirers and users. The concept of creating iPhone coffee table was proposed and executed by Tuan Nguyen, Ken Thomas, and their associates. The table reflects the actual design of an iPhone made of corrugate and glued together with white glue. The movable features of the table are more attractive.

5. Hexa Coffee Table

The Hexa coffee table has an innovative design that provides you with an option to store few addendums to the coffee such as sugar pouches, coffee powders, and stirrer as it has few hidden compartments in it. This table can be effectively used while having dinner on the couch. Bernard Vuarnesson is credited for the design of this table.

6. Multimedia Coffee Table

The technically innovative and advanced coffee table enables you to access the Internet on the table itself as it has features like 19-inch TFT screen, stereo speakers, Bluetooth, NTFS file system, gaming facilities with game pad ports and arcade classics. The coffee table is also Wi-Fi enabled that helps you connected with your mailbox and social networking.

7. Alien Coffee Table


The Alien coffee table is an unusual looking coffee table. It is usually popular among youngsters who are fed up with the typical designs of the tables. The table offers a devilish, horrifying, and ghostly looks. This table is usually designed with used car and bike parts, tools and other recycled metals.

8. Mathematical Coffee Table

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Normal is boring? A table is a table, but what if you want something out of the ordinary. For all the tech geeks, the mathematically inclined and those who love the unusual, a mathematical coffee table sounds like the right choice! What better than a mathematical coffee table for inspiration when the genius goes to work. Just the right thing to let people know of your intellectual depth and inclinations.

The table turns square or triangular according to your wishes. It basically consists of seven legs that support each corner, in the square as well as the triangular configuration. The table uses the concept of geometrical dissection, a 4 piece solution for the dissection of an equilateral triangle to a square. Those who wish to know more about this interesting concept can refer to Hinged Dissections: Swinging & Twisting by Greg N. Frederickson. A good book and an extraordinary table. what more could you ask for?

9. Afid design’s T2A coffee table

afiddesign t2a coffee table

Afiddesign, one of the leading manufacturers of handmade furniture, has come up with yet another coffee table, a much-improved version of its previous entry, the t2 coffee table. This t2A coffee table is equally interesting to its previous version. It has more style and flair added to it. Its variations in 3-legged and 4-legged design is a great modification considering the space and size required by both tables. Its bent like structure adds more glamour to the place where it is kept.

The see-through structure is more elegant and stylish compared to the solid structure of the table. It is available in different colors, weights light and looks refreshing. It’s so good that its actual use comes as a secondary option when it comes to watching it the whole day. A must-have for everyone who drinks coffee and who doesn’t!

10. Gio Ponti coffee table


If you are looking for a brand new coffee table for your home, look no more. The Gio Ponti coffee table is here to revamp your decor. This table brags about the fact that the design is rendered from post. The oval shaped coffee table is a great buy for your home.

Are you thinking if it would fit your room? Well, here’s the dimensions and other stats. The oval Gio table stands on it’s tripod. The tripod is kind of spread out although, it still supports the table. The unique thing about this table is that Gio Ponti conceptualized this design back in 1920. But, now that design has been blended with modern concept to give this table a contemporary look.

11. Loop Coffee Table

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Apparently, it seems like the simplest design anybody could tinker with. Just bend a flexible scale and you have a design fit for a coffee table. But how many of us actually managed to contemplate and then realize that loop? Baita Design from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil actually did and crafted this amazing table. The frail loop does the balancing act by relying on two small, almost invisible, transparent acrylic bars, beneath the table. Simple yet a lot of creativity!

Final Words

Having coffee with a friend or family member not only refreshes your mind and soul but also opens up the threshold for new chitchat. Not only personal but also a lot of professional talks also happen over coffees. Moreover, if the ambiance of the coffee house increases a bit more with the effect of the design of the coffee table, there’s nothing better than that. It’s always a great experience to use coffee tables with an unusual look and feel.

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