
Prevention is better than cure – the ear stretching guide for newbies

Ear stretching is a big craze amongst people nowadays and it definitely plays a great part in enhancing the overall looks. There are end numbers of gorgeous and fashionable ear pieces available in the market and people can opt for them according to their particular choices. But ear stretching is a thing which should be done properly considering few important things simultaneously so that, instead of providing a whole new look to the person, the whole process does not creates any problem. Below mentioned are some points to be kept in mind before getting your ears gauged.
Waiting for a particular time period between stretches

ear stretching

Every skin and body type is different so people should better watch out their skin type before opting for another stretch. It depends on the elasticity of the skin whether it has recovered enough from the previous stretch and is ready for another one so that it does not causes any painful tearing of the tissues. The ideal time period for people to opt for another stretching is at least eight to ten weeks.

Using a taper for the perfect ear stretching

The most comfortable way for beginners to get their ears gauged is with the use of a tool called taper which makes the process quite easier. The stainless steel taper is the best option which prevents any kind of infections or bacteria. The ideal size of steel taper is 1.6 mm at the narrow end and 2mm at the wider end. A mixture of vitamin E and tea tree oil works best as lubricant on the taper for smooth application.

Not to skip the sizes when stretching

ear stretching

It is very important to stick to proper sizes while going for stretching again. People should be patient enough to go through the proper process while getting their ears gauged.  It may look very tempting to skip size to get the desired stretch but it can cause serious side effects including painful tears and other irreversible results.

Keeping your ears clean and problem free

It is very important to maintain hygiene and keeping your ears clean to avoid any kind of infection. The enlarged holes may attract some dust and skin cells which may have some side effects. Ears should be cleaned with an antibacterial soap or some mild saline water to keep them dirt free. You should also wash your hands before turning the taper to prevent it from sticking inside the hole.

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