
New army regulations that limit tattoo for soldier


The soldiers with tattoos visible will be able to stay in the army but under a new uniform policy issued by the government. They are not allowed to take on any new tattoos and they will face some restriction for their career advancements.


The rules will be brought into practice soon; these were approved by John McHugh an Army Secretary on March 6, 2014.

Those having the tattoos prior to the regulation will have to document them and they are not allowed to make any new ones. For the commissioned ranks, one having four tattoos below the elbows or knees is restricted.

The rules were leaked online on 20th March, 2014 in the form of 57-page PowerPoint presentation which dated 19th March, 2014.

The new regulation has many changes in it. It regulates how troops must be presenting their medal on uniform to the hair doing of female soldiers. For the first time ponytails are allowed during exercises.


The changes made for the new Army tattoo policy drew the attention mostly. The restrictions made might raise many debates. But the secretary of the Army, John McHugh was concerned about the issues related to the ink art by the solders and made proper regulations to restrict them.

Though, we have to see to that how much the rules are being followed by the soldiers when there is a raising trend over the tattoo thing everywhere round.

The new tattoo rules:

Forbid tattoos on the head, face, neck, hands, fingers and wrists.

Allow no more than four hand-size tattoos below the elbow and knee.

Prohibit sleeve tattoos that cover a person’s entire arm.

Ban sexist, racist, indecent or extremist tattoos.

Bar enlisted soldiers from requesting commissions as officers if they have tattoos that violate the new policies.

Require commanders to document any tattoos that violate the new rules among current soldiers.

It orders commanders to check their soldiers for new tattoos every year.


Well the regulations have been made, now it is the time to see how much the troop members follow. How much the new regulation restricts the normal life of the soldier is a matter of concern. If there are more such regulations issued to restrict the soldier in future, number of youngster for the service may reduce.

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