14 best alternative energy vehicles in the market
Public transportation being what it is, you have to rely on cars to get you to your destination. Being green-minded, […]
Public transportation being what it is, you have to rely on cars to get you to your destination. Being green-minded, […]
With the world facing brand new environmental issues every day, it is time that we switch to a sustainable lifestyle.
Inspired by the earlier Datsun 240Z, Swedish designer Lars Martensson has come up with another Datsun 240Z car that, though autonomous, presents almost identical features and exterior of the original version, other than presenting crisper and cleaner…
Bridging the gap between caravans and regular cars, designer Christian Susana has popped up with a multifunctional vehicle that functions as a caravan, when used as a whole, but when detached from the home part, it can also be used as a small car….
Blending a classic hotrod roadster feel with a modern-day-form language, designer Tristan Hipps, the creator of the Olympian Mega Yacht, has yet again popped up with a futuristic car that seems to redefine the classic version of the hotrods with its…
Dr. Amar Bose got the idea to adapt electromagnetic driver to car suspension, but the idea could not be developed
Combining the features of a snowboard and a bike, designer Mark MacMahon has come up with a hybrid BMX/snowboard snow bike that you may ride like a bicycle on the snow-clad slopes. Entitled the “Omo,” the ski-bike lets the riders use their center.
With ever-increasing traffic on roads, the personal means of transport is becoming popular day by day. But how about an EV, which can be snapped and carried anywhere? Keeping the pollution factor and traffic chocked roads in mind, designer Alan…
Pollution and parking are possibly two major problems of urban areas all over the world. Making the cities a better place to live in, designer Stuart Emmerson has popped up a portable electric scooter that provides safe and sustainable commutation in.
All Terrain Vehicles have always been in! They have their own niche market, which is always there. As a distant