
Adding laser tattoo removal to your services can be a good decision for tattoo parlors

Many tattoos are a spur of the moment decision which is often regretted later. If it is in an inconspicuous area, it can still be ignored, but in a prominent area like the hand or neck or leg, it runs a risk of being troublesome. We give reasons to add laser tattoo removal in your services.

Who has and does not want tattoos

As per stats from American tattoo industry, 45 million Americans have tattoo, of which 30% college grads and 36% 18-25 years olds have tattoos. Of those who get tattoos removed, 70% are women and average age is around 29 years.  Mostly tattoo removal is done for –

  • Removing the name of an ex
  • A drunken mistake
  • Looks immature with the professional image
  • Tattoo did not turn out the way the person wanted
  • Tattoo has faded
  • The tattoo artist made a mistake

The tattoo removal process is expensive, but those who opt for tattoo removal are mostly those who can afford it.

Things to know before getting the tattoo removed

Don’t walk in for tattoo removal treatment with high expectations of it being a walk-in/walk-out procedure. Depending on the size and colors in the tattoo, it can take one sitting to ten sittings.

Also, there is a chance that the tattoo will not go completely, but fade to a very light shade. In some cases, they can leave a permanent scar, so it is important that the client is given a clear picture of what will happen and how much it will cost.

Types of Laser and Side-effects

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Image Source : TimesOfIndia.IndiaTimes.Com

There are different types of laser treatment, based on whether the tattoo is color tattoo or black tattoo. The laser wavelengths are varied depending on the type and depth of pigment and colors. Some of the post-treatment symptoms that clients complain of are blisters, swelling, pinpoint bleeding, redness or temporary darkening. These mostly subside within a week or two; doctors can be consulted in these matters.

Taking an informed decision

Removing a tattoo is not as simple as getting one, both are painful though. Each session of tattoo removal can take up to 15 minutes and may cost about US$200. It is highly profitable to own a tattoo removal laser machine. However, it is essential to get proper certification for operating the same.

If you have a tattoo parlor, you can keep a laser tattoo removal machine too. It is a much sought after service, also if a client wants an old tattoo fixed, you can remove and redo the tattoo for them.

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