
4 Tips to choose a tattoo ink color

Tattoo ink colorsTattoos are a popular fashion statement among the youth now days. You can spot a long queue of people who wait outside different tattoo parlors, just to have a tattoo that portrays their personality or some wish or desire they want to showcase. One thing is definite that they are creative, stylish and they are here to stay for a long period of time. When you decide to embellish a tattoo on your skin, you need to be very cautious about the suitable ink color you choose for the tattoo because inappropriate ink color makes your tattoo look blur and can result in a dull and tedious appearance. It’s also important because permanent tattoo is one thing you won’t prefer to modify or replace every day. So this carefulness is much needed while you plan to do a tattoo on your skin.

So just read on for our list of instructions on how to choose an appropriate ink color for your tattoo.

1. Determine the skin tone

Different skin tone

One thing you must consider before you go for a tattoo is to identify your skin tone. Tattoo ink colors come in different shades, so you should wisely decide the ink color which can match your skin tone effortlessly. This can help your tattoo look more attractive and noticeable. For example, almost all ink colors go with the fair skin tone, except white and yellow. People with normal color tone can opt for any color combination, and the ones who are on the darker side can stick to the basic black tattoos.

2. Investigation


Investigation here means, inquiring the tattoo artist or the tattoo salon owner in context of the ink colors they use in their salon. You should always be aware of the quality they use, while doing tattoos on people. Because FDA (Food and Drug Administration), doesn’t take account of the hygiene factor of salons. You should also confirm the ink and needle specifications, before they start with your tattoo. Kuro Sumi, Skin Candy and Prizm tattoo inks are believed to be one of the most secured and tested inks, mainly used by renowned tattoo artists.

3. Color test

Temporary tattoos

You can always choose the color you wish to include in your tattoo. A suitable tattoo color not only enhances your tattoo, but also adds to the overall appeal and oomph. Test some colors of your choice, either on a piece of paper or opt for a temporary tattoo with similar color and design. There are websites, which provide exactly the same replica of your desired tattoo, as directed by you, in some easy to follow steps. You can put that customized tattoo on your skin for some time and let people give you reviews on it before you actually put on the real one. You can also discuss the color combination structure with your tattoo artist. This can even help the tattoo artist to understand your thought behind the tattoo.

4. Tattoo image

Tattoo design

Creating a tattoo image is an important task because that can ultimately help you select appropriate colors for your tattoo. If you are good at making designs, then you can design one for yourself. You can show it to your tattoo artist and can discuss some changes (if needed) because that can help them understand the notion behind the tattoo. You can also browse through some good tattoo designs online. There are infinite designs available and you can pick one of them easily, according to your taste and desire. It can also lessen the time and the discomfort you are likely to feel in front of the salon employees.

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