There are a large number of food items over there and each of the food items consist of different kinds of nutrients. Each nutrient has its own kind of properties. Some of them will make you fat while some others will keep you healthy. It is up to you on what you are willing to eat and what you are willing to give up. Here are a few food items that make you look sexy as hell; sometimes, metaphorically –
If you are a woman then nothing can make you look sexier than eating chocolate. Of course, at times, you will have to knock it out with some exercise after you have had your fill but there is no denying the fact that chocolates when you are eating them, make you look as amazing as ever.
Green Tea, Black Tea, Black Coffee
These beverages are extremely healthy, will detox and cleanse your system and at the same time, help in thinning your waist line. Since, they are acidic, they increase your appetite and cause you to eat more but at the same time, they help you empty the dirty and unnecessary fatty contents of your body very easily.
A Bowl of Fruits
Having a bowl of fruits will fill your stomach for quite some time and you will not feel the need to eat for a very long time. Moreover, fruits will not only add colour to your cheeks but will also make your whole body look healthier. Fruits are appetizers and hence, be careful while consuming them.
Fruit Juices
Fruit juices are as healthy as the fruits. Washing down any unhealthy food with a glass of juice is a cool idea. Juices will detoxify your system and keep it healthy all the time. Thus, if thou has sinned, find solace in fruit juices.
Yes, there are food items that can make you look sexier than ever. You only need to know them. Food isn’t always something that will make you round and fat. A lot of times, it will make you sleek, slim, healthy and sexy. All you have to do is, eat right.
Summary – Food doesn’t always turn you fat. A lot of times, food only makes you look smarter and sexier. This article tells you how.