
Top fast foods you might never have heard of

Everyone is a fan of fast foods. However, there are quite a few fast food items that you may have no idea about. In fact, you may not even know that they exist until you stumble upon them somewhere. Here is a list of a few fast food items that you don’t know of and no it isn’t all pizzas and burgers –

Salad mixed with Chips

Salad mixed with Chips

This is the weirdest combination of healthy and unhealthy but it seems to work for most people. Mix salad with a few potato chips and your Salad will only get tastier. Ensure that your salad is entirely dipped in white sauce and mayonnaise. Try flavoured chips for better taste.

Sandwiches of Peanut Butter

Sandwiches of Peanut Butter and Pepperoni

Yes, those exist and can tickle your taste buds beyond exotica. This one is a must try even if you don’t like peanut butter. Adding pepperoni will only make it butter and you will enjoy them to the core.

Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise

Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise

Apparently, people who don’t like peanut butter did a whole lot of experimenting. If you are one of the people, combine peanut butter with mayonnaise and the taste is well worth it. It is one of the most amazing food items ever.

Mother and daughter eating pizza

Apple Sauce and Pizza

Yes, pizza that is topped with apple sauce instead of tomato sauce exists and it is tastier than ever. It will make you lick your tongue and leave you wanting for more. Apple sauce pizza is one of the best pizzas the world ever came up with and one wouldn’t want to miss this for the world.

Of course, there are a whole lot of other fast food items that you might like. If you belong to India, items such as Ghatiya dipped in chocolate sauce, A Jam and Cheese Sandwich, Bread and Sugar dipped in a hot glass of milk, a mixture of coco cola with a chilled glass of milk is totally going to blow you away. You are never going to regret having tasted these fast good items that remain hidden but at the end of the day, are awesome.

Summary – Fast food items aren’t all the same at all times. Some of them are in fact so remote that you may never even have heard of them.

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