Aesthetic Guide, Consultancy and Services by Dr Prem

Perfect recipes for a vegan wedding menu

Figuring out the wedding menu is tricky. And a vegan menu adds to the challenge. But with more people going vegan, there are many options for all of the things on the menu, from Hors D’oeuvres to mouth watering desserts and the most delicious wedding cakes. If you are planning a vegan wedding, then here are some of the best recipes for your vegan wedding menu. Made from all vegan ingredients, these recipes will make a fan out of all your guests, vegan and non-vegan.

Perfect recipes and ideas for a vegan wedding menu

Mushroom Bruschetta bites

Mushroom-Bruschetta-bitesThey’re as simple to make as they sound, but they’re filled with flavor. The garlic flavored crostini is spread with topping caramelized scallions, as well as savory mushrooms which you can glaze with some balsamic vinegar. Easy recipe and your guests will be clamoring for more.

Sweet Potato and Avocado Bites

Again a crowd pleasing vegan appetizer, which works well with any vegan wedding menu. The recipe requires sweet potatoes, avocados, cumin, olive oil and paprika. The slices of sweet potato have to be tossed in paprika and cumin and then roasted till tender. Top this with creamy avocado as well as lime, and the garnish is radish sprouts and tomato. Looks great, and the zest of radish gives it a unique taste.

Hors D’oeveres recipes/ideas

Hors D’oeveresHors D’oeuvres have to be special, exciting and interesting as they will introduce your guests to what they can expect as the evening progresses.

Vegan sides 


Watermelon salad with feta cheeseWatermelon salad with feta cheese which is grilled is one of the easiest vegan wedding recipes. This salad is the perfect side as the salty vegan feta cheese complements the crispy onions and sweet watermelon. The end result is refreshing, light and perfect for summer weddings.

Other salad ideas are a green salad, avocado and lime vinaigrette, three bean salad, and couscous, sun-dried fruit and chickpea salad which is easy and taste wonderful.

Recipe for smoked and roasted cauliflower, garlic mash and creamy cauliflower

For this dish, you need cauliflower as the main vegetable and make a cauliflower sauce. The recipe requires cauliflowers, olive oil, sea salt, smoked or regular garlic, little bit of flakes of chipotle chilli, lemon juice, almond milk and sunflower seeds. Roast the cauliflower with sea salt, chilli flakes and smoked garlic.

Make a sauce out of almond milk and ground cauliflower, olive oil, garnish with lemon juice. Serve with sunflower seeds sprinkled on top, with cherry tomatoes and flatbread. The dish is incredibly filling and unusual, and completely vegan.

Grilled veggies with tahini

Grilled veggies with tahiniServe a Mediterranean style appetizer with grilled vegetables such as grilled carrots with tahini or bean dip. Fruit on skewers , stuffed mushrooms, stir fired mushrooms are other options for your vegan wedding.

Seitan steaks with shallot gravy and mashed potatoes

This is a hearty main course to satiate the appetite of your hungry guests. Seitan steaks are chewy, juicy and dipped in flavorful shallot gravy. The side of sautéed seasonal vegetables sourced locally, and mashed potato makes it a perfect main course.

Cheese log


This option can be a vegan buffet option or starter for your menu. Cheese logs are a wonderful way to serve vegan cheese. Add a crust of pistachios with crackers. It can be presented as a beautiful centerpiece too, with lots of crusty bread, grapes and crudités on every table, after dinner, as something to freshen the palate.

Fish and chips

Fish and chips is now on trend at many events, including weddings. You could serve the vegan version of this using tofu as fish and chunky potato chips as well as lemon wedges to add the zing. Lovely addition for your vegan buffet.


Soup is a great optionSoup is a great option as any kind of soup recipe can be transformed into a vegan soup recipe. Just replace the meat broth with the vegan/vegetarian broth, and the cream or the milk with soy milk or unsweetened nut milk. The taste is unforgettable and unique. Other soups you can try are Thai coconut soup, tomato and dill soup. Add an interesting twist to the evening by serving a fruit soup which has been simmered in red and white wine.

Other ideas for sides are carrots with thyme-rosemary sauce, sautéed broccolini garnished with lemon, sautéed spinach in a vegan tomato-fennel sauce. Potato is a vegetable that is universally loved, so you can serve some potato side dishes which are filling and delicious, such as baked potato rounds, grilled potato salad with Dijon and vegan cream, turmeric and coconut roasted potatoes.

Lemony seitan with a creamy polenta

This can be served as an entrée or main dish, as seitan is quite filling. Seitan, which is made from wheat gluten (cooked), is a high protein vegan and vegetarian substitute for meat in many recipes. It is one of the vegan wedding recipes  that is quite fancy and becomes wedding fare with ease.

For this recipe, serving size is meant for two at home, but you can increase the quantity according to the number of your guests. You will need 6 seitan cutlets, dry polenta 1 cup, water 2 cups, all purpose flour 1 cup, shallot, apple and butternut squash, medium sized 1 each, lemon juice 1 tbsp, 1 tbsp sake, 1 tbsp vegan butter, and 2 tbsp olive oil. Other ingredients are vegetable stock, salt and pepper.

First preheat the oven up to 350 F. Then chop the apple and squash into ½ or I inch cubes. Chop the garlic and shallots finely. Roast the squash on a baking sheet, for 5 minutes. Then cover the cutlets with all purpose flour and sauté them till tender in the olive oil. Boil the water and add garlic, pepper and salt. Once it is boiled as the polenta, reduce the heat and simmer for  3 minutes, till the water is entirely absorbed.

Now, sauté the shallots in the remaining olive oil and add roasted apple, sake, lemon and the vegetable stock. Stir till the sauce becomes thick, and add salt as well as pepper.

Serve with polenta at the bottom, roasted squash and apple on the next layer, and top it with the seitan cutlets. Every serving should have three cutlets and tons of sauce. This fancy began dish will be an eye-option for non-vegans and people who want to become vegans, as it is one of the many varied options for wedding or dinner menu.

Vegan Main

Mushroom Biryani,

The mains for vegan can be risottos and rice dishes such as Mushroom Biryani, Quinoa Pilaf and Chickpea Pulao. Follow the same recipes as in the meat versions of these and you will get the same taste, but without the meat. A popular dish for vegan reception food is the chicken roast, but of course, using vegan chicken such soy chicken or tofu chicken with dauphinoise potato, which is topped with a creamy mushroom sauce. These dishes are appreciated by all guests, vegan and non-vegan.

Vegan desserts

As part of your vegan reception food, desserts are a must. Traditional desserts have dairy as the main ingredient. But there are fantastic vegan sweet creations such as coconut cupcakes with lemon flavor, mini chocolate vegan cream cakes, vegan tiramisu your guests will love. Vegan ice cream, pudding and sorbets are good desserts too, especially if served in small ramekins or shot glasses.

Last, but not the least, is the wedding cake! Dairy free, egg free vegan cakes are available in most bakeries due to the high demand for them, and the flavors are great too – caramel chocolate cake, coconut vanilla cake, vanilla cake with some buttercream icing, and blueberry coconut cake are wonderful options.

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