
The Worst is Yet To Come

If you think that global measure will end the deaths misery and now things will be back to normal. Mark my words, the worst is yet to come. We are entering the era the earth has never seen before.
Mental health, Economic Recession, Violence, Misinformation, Political Agendas and social distance related loneliness are creating the world we never want to be in it. Only protecting ourself from virus and not from invisible threats of humanity is the greatest danger we have. We need to act together, we just can’t leave ourselves in the agenda of others. Think again. It’s on us.


Cmaao Afya Bora –  Vraiment c est la réalité et ca a deja commence les suicides les vols les tirs aux gens qui ne respectent pas le confinement il y a les européens clandestins qui veulent migrer vers l Afrique donc les choses seront vue à l envers.
1. Let’s support the lockdown. Have No option.
2. Think positive. Have no option.
3. Hit back with 100% more power. This is the only option.
Alkistis Agio  I invite you Dr.Prem, and all your friends: more details
Lalat Indu Misra  –  Absolutely right sir…..
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