As promised, here is my photography from my recent trip. Surrounded by pristine sun-drenched beaches and lush green mountains, the Dominican Republic is green heaven on earth. More to pics come. Thank you
Eduard E. Gottschalk
Jairo Mateo
Christine MacLean
Noemi At Aligio
Stanko Photography #dralejandrocambiaso and everyone who made my trip memorable.
Jairo Mateo – It was a pleasure to meet you @drprem. You are welcomed to the #dominicanrepublic. I found more pictures to share. Will send soon. Eduard E. Gottschalk.
Sandra D. Fantauzzi – Beautiful!
Eduard E. Gottschalk – Dear Prem Jagyasi, I hope you had a pleasant trip back and happy for having met you and had you here in our country. I wish you well and looking forward to keep in touch with such a knowledgeable and interesting person. All the best, Eduard.
Stanko Photography – Greetings from Punta Cana
Imran Khan – Beautiful location
Yogesh Chauhan II – Eye retreat…Dr Saab