Let’s go green!!
Yesterday, I watched a mesmerising yet terrifying documentary – A Life on Our Planet, it looks back on the career of my hero David Attenborough. At 93, he has a choice to retire from life with luxury and joy, instead, he is continuing his mission to guide us about our wrongdoings.
He started the documentary with Ukraine’s Chernobyl event which due to poor planning and human error brought catastrophe. Similarly, what we are doing unknowingly on planet earth is surely poor planning and definite human error, and the result would be just unavoidable catastrophe for the planet.
I strongly suggest you watch Attenborough’s terrifying new documentary on climate emergency. It is a kind of retrospective with a look back at his life and 60-years-plus career. Attenborough has delivered a stark warning that time is ticking for the planet.
Little do we know that the meat we eat, the biodiversity we kill and more luxury that we adapt to, all have a dreadful impact on the planet. However, make no mistake the planet will survive somehow. It only knows to build and rebuild but the smartest species (that’s humans), and millions of other species are in the greatest danger.
It’s time we need wisdom over intelligence.
Did you know I have four big web magazines on green topics with at least a millions monthly readers? check links in comments.
Let’s go green.
Shamila B – Its amazing documentaries i also watch it #ALifeonOurPlanet David Attenborough
Karanza D – Majestic! 

Sanket Nagulpelli – This is such an imposing picture. The posture and looks are so impressive!!
Hemant Manchekr – Impressive Post. Great Documentary. Everyone should watch it and you looks amazing.
Kash Tann – Great post, once again reminder to take care of environment , which are essential for all the human beings.
Shailesh Patil – Thanks for the share! We need to take care of environment.
Nandini Moulik – Truly, an eye opener
Er Tapas Sahoo – Good The Nature Conservancy planet..This is the amazing pic indicates that we protect our environment 

Manorama Behera – Nice documentary and its always i kepp it..
Shailesh Patil – Amazing Post… Everyone should take care of the Environment…. Nice Pic Sir
Ashraf Qureshi – Awesome Pic..
Sky Sony – Awesome pic