
Drinks and Beverages

Drinks and Beverages

Easy and tasteful Vodka recipes

Vodka is preferred amongst both men and women. The drink can be seen in several versions and flavors. Vodka cocktails are numerous in flavors and are the most popular drink too. Moreover, you do not have to worry for a hangover the next day, even if you couldn’t control your urge for the drink the

Drinks and Beverages

5 craziest mocktail drink ideas

These may be termed as false cocktails but mocktails are really wonderful in taste and can infuse life in any social event. They are obviously much healthier than cocktails which contain alcohol to some extent. Mocktails are made sans alcohol and they contain juices of fresh fruit which can be tropical or seasonal. There are

Drinks and Beverages

Hurricane drink recipes

What is hurricane? Many of the people reading this article must be seeking an answer to this question. Hurricane is a very popular beverage in New Orleans and is primarily an alcoholic drink which happens to be sweet as it is prepared from fruit juice and rum. Not only in New Orleans but hurricane drinks

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