In this fast paced life, people often neglect the most important thing for their health, which is the need for good food. Timely meals are really important for keeping yourself healthy and energetic every time. People often choose to skip these essential meals due to lack of time. Especially in the case of students it becomes very necessary to have proper meals so that they can concentrate on their studies by keeping themselves fit and healthy. Lack of proper meals in this stage of life may result in poor nutrition which may affect them adversely. To deal with the problem of time, here are some recipes which can be prepared in less than 5 minutes.
Banana Peanut Butter Bites
A super cute and healthy dish, the banana peanut butter bites is very easy to make. In this dish, small slices of bananas are topped with mini chocolate, chips, sprinkles, and peanut butter to give them a heavenly taste. Children will definitely love dipping the nutritious banana slices into the peanut butter and have them to satisfy their appetite.
Apple Sandwiches
Sandwiches are one of the most loved and easy to make recipes for students, they serve as a perfect snack idea. Adding some granola, chocolate chips and peanut butter between the two perfectly cut slices of an apple can serve as a great instant snack for children.
Chocolate Yoghurt Dip
You can give healthy twist to your child’s chocolate craving of children by adding fewer nutritious ingredients. Mixing cocoa powder with Greek yoghurt, brown sugar and vanilla will make the dip which can be then served to the child with his/her favorite fruit.
Fruit Cones
A very nutritious and a very smart idea is to prepare the fruit cones which can please almost each and every child. Filling a variety of tasty nutritious fruits into the ice cream cones will serve as a very healthy snack. The sweetness of fruit combined with the crunchiness of the ice cream cone would definitely be loved by all the children.
Honey Popcorn Balls
Honey popcorn balls is one of the dishes that can be prepared instantly for children. Just coating the popcorn with honey and putting them in the freezer for few minutes will serve as a very tasty snack to the child. After taking the honey coated popcorn from the freezer, make some bite sized balls with the help of ice cream scoops and present them smartly in front of the children.
Pho with ramen noodles
Cooking bean sprouts, flank steak and instant ramen noodles together make an instant tasty faux pho in almost 5 minutes. The dish is prepared by cooking the steak in hot broth, which can provide a full meal to the students and that too without much hard work.