
4 Tips to make perfect pasta


Pastas are of various kinds, namely fusilli, lasagne, penne, spaghetti, macaroni and so forth. There are also various ways to prepare these pastas. When cooked right and prepared in a proper way, it tastes yummy. It is a simple Italian dish which today has found its way to every kitchen across the world.

Sometimes, some small suggestions are generally missed by people and they sit and wonder what went wrong with their dish even when they seemed to have followed the recipe to its core. Compiled below are some of the useful tips that can come handy while you are planning to cook a delicious pasta dish.

1. Use fresh or dry pasta

Pastas come as both fresh and dried. Fresh is softer while the dried pasta is more firm in texture. To use one or the other depends upon the type of the pasta. Only ribbon or string pastas come in the market as fresh, rest all come as dried. You can also make your own pasta with wheat flour.

The time taken to boil the pasta also varies depending on the pasta that you use. It takes only half the time for the fresh pasta to become soft and tender and cooked than the dried pasta

Be careful that you do not overcook the pasta. You need to follow the instructions given on the pack as to for how much time you need to boil the pasta. It should be noted that the water should not get grimy or else the pasta would become squishy and gooey in taste.

2. What to do with the water after the pasta is boiled?

The water after the pasta is boiled is often thrown away. You usually strain the pasta directly in the sink, so the water gets wasted. But, you can use this water in further cooking your pasta as it contains necessary nutrition. You can carefully strain the water in another container so that it can be used when you are preparing the dish. This water helps the sauce that you have prepared to stick properly with the pasta.

3. Combination of pasta and other ingredients

Which sauce suits which pasta is a question to observe. Not all sauces or ingredients are meant to be mixed with all kinds of pasta. For instance, if you are making spaghetti, you can avoid the use of sauce and prepare a completely different dish, with the use of oil, garlic and herbs. It gives a nice flavor to that pasta. Similarly, when you are preparing penne pasta, you should have thick sauce with it, or else, the pasta would taste as bland. Also, when you are preparing stuffed pasta, you should use lighter sauce, as it complements that kind of pasta better.

4. Add some salt or asafoetida

While boiling the pasta, you should add some salt and a tablespoon of oil so that the pasta does not stick and gets the necessary taste, because after the pasta is cooked, there is no way in which it can be infused with salt. While preparing pasta, you can add a pinch of asafoetida into hot oil before pouring other ingredients. This gives the pasta a very unique flavor and also brings out its taste.

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