Mid-Day.com – Dr Prem Jagyasi’s Carve Your Life Book Is A Bible To Life – Bhagyashree
Bhagyashree said, “Dr. Prem’s book, honestly, is a Bible to Life. It is something we should read page by page, even if you read a paragraph every single day. We should have it by our bedside as something, just to remind us, on how simple life can be. So, make your life simple but significant.” “Sometimes we form very unrealistic definition of success. More than accumulation, it should be about contribution towards life. It is also very important to follow the bidding of your heart and to live a passionate life.
In Dr Prem Jagyasi’s Carvism principles, we can find great suggestions about how we can scrape out everything unnecessary from our lives and keep only those things that complete us, and ultimately help us in living a meaningful life,” added Bhagyashree.
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