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deal with the terrible twos

How to deal with the terrible twos

A child undergoes many stages of development – physical, emotional and mental. ‘Terrible Twos’ is a stage when toddlers display increased need to be independent. This includes making both rational and unreasonable choices. Here are some ways to de

deal with a temper tantrum

How to deal with a temper tantrum

Core factor behind temper tantrum is to seek attention. However the interesting fact is that the person performing temper tantrum usually is not aware of what exactly he or she wants. The basic rule thus is in being calm and offering adequate attention to

How to deal with a toddler

How to deal with a toddler

It is very natural for all the toddlers to experiment with different things, create a mess all over or throw various tantrums. All these behaviors are a part of their learning and developing process. However, handling them during this age can be really di

How to deal with temper tantrums

Temper tantrums are bouts of uncharacteristic emotional and physical behavior, that are commonly seen in children and toddlers and children below 14 years of age. Temper tantrums involve unruly behavior such as screaming, throwing things, rolling on the f

deal with disrespectful children

How to deal with disrespectful children

Some children can appear angels for a moment but snobby, disrespectful kids at another. Dealing with such kids requires patience, understanding and quick thinking. Here are some of the ways in which you can change their disrespectful attitude.

How to deal with toddlers

How to deal with toddlers

Toddlers have an inane knack to annoy or irritate parents. Their temper tantrums, aggression and hyper behaviour can leave a parent knackered at the end of the day. Listed below are some ways in which you can deal with a toddler, to make life simpler.

How to deal with a picky eater

Parents often experience really hard time with picky eaters at home, who often eat the same food all the three-four times a day or eat nothing at all. You should show high level of patience in dealing with children, who display selective eating disorder.

deal with Child tantrums

How to deal with Child tantrums

Toddlers can be very moody and demanding. Tantrum throwing and a toddler’s outburst is natural for her/his growth. But at times, dealing with toddler tantrum can be very difficult. Check out these solutions to effectively deal with toddler tantrum.

Dealing with toddlers requires a lot of patience

How to deal with toddlers

Dealing with toddlers requires a lot of patience, imagination and skill because you may have to handle tantrums, curiosity, stubbornness and bad behavior. Check out these ways to deal with your toddler.

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