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How to deal with anger issues in men

How to deal with anger issues in men

Anger is a very important way of expressing your emotions. Anger is an emotion that helps in the identification of situations which are negative. Management of anger is very important as unman-aged anger can prove very harmful. Anger can cause various hea

How to deal with the pain

Pain is a troublesome sensation that makes you feel uncomfortable. Treatment of pain can be done through drugs or with some therapies, which really work well some time. Here are some tips for you to deal with pain.

How to deal with stressful situations at work

Dealing with stressful situations at work can be quite a difficult task. Whilst some people are naturally good at dealing with stress, there are others who are a total failure and work themselves up into a frenzy when faced with stress. Here are some fine

How to deal with eating disorders

Eating disorders is one of the major concerns of people across the globe. People suffering from eating disorders either are in the habit of binge eating or in the habit of eating less. Both these extremes cause problems. Therefore, an idea on how to deal

How to deal with a stroke

Stroke, also called ‘brain attack’ is a condition caused when the blood supply to the brain is compromised. When the blood supply to the brain is decreased, it results in nutrition and oxygen depletion to the brain and therefore causes death of the brain


How to deal with out of control teens

Dealing with a difficult teen can be very overwhelming, exhausting and frustrating. But it is not an impossible task as with some tips and strategies, parents can effectively deal with their teens. Read on to know how we can deal effectively with out of c

How to deal with neck pain

Neck pain is caused due to a variety of reasons. Neck pain if not treated early and appropriately can become chronic and worse. Here are some ways to deal with neck pain.

How to deal with down syndrome

Down’s syndrome is caused due to the presence of an extra inherited chromosome (47 instead of the usual 46) and the condition can be diagnosed soon after birth itself. Children suffering from this syndrome usually show a lag in language development and

Bad breakup is always difficult to deal with

How to deal with a bad breakup

Bad breakup is always difficult to deal with. Try to stay positive and focus on what you want to become in your life rather than wallowing in the past and screwing the rest of your life.

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