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deal with a backstabber

How to deal with a backstabber

They may claim to be your best friends in front of you but the moment your back is turned they will be waiting with a dagger in their hands. In a selfish world where money and power are everything, we run into backstabbers at every nook and corner therefo


How to deal with shyness

Being shy is not a disease, but a form of low self esteem that propels one to behave in a hesitant manner. It is a state of mind which can be rectified by being a little more agile and conscious towards one’s reactions to events and situations. Here goes


How to deal with stupid people

Nobody would like to deal with stupid people but they are the reality of our lives, we have to face them daily. The following are a few ways to avoid stupid people peacefully.


How to deal with difficult callers

There are some people in our lives, whom we dread talking to on the phone because they are very difficult to handle. The following are steps on how to deal with difficult callers.

How to deal with anger and frustration

It is completely normal and even sometimes healthy to get angry. But problems arise due to vicious anger, i.e. when the emotion goes out of hand. Here are some ways to deal with anger and frustration.

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