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man cheating online

How to deal with cheaters

Life is complicated, and it gets further thorny when one faces a betrayal. Every human being wants to depend and trust on someone. But, trusting someone becomes a big fault, when that someone ends up cheating on you. And, though it is quite tough, it is n

deal with a backstabber

How to deal with a backstabber

They may claim to be your best friends in front of you but the moment your back is turned they will be waiting with a dagger in their hands. In a selfish world where money and power are everything, we run into backstabbers at every nook and corner therefo

deal with a psychopath

How to deal with a psychopath

A psychopath is one of the most deadliest enemies to the society. Their actions are infectious, which means the person near him is under the risk of contracting his way of thinking. Following are some of the ways to deal with them.

How to deal with a scorpio

How to deal with a scorpio

The first thing to know about Scorpios is that they are unlike any other astrological sign. They are very intense and deep people. If you are willing to deal with a scorpio then you are sure to have a very loyal friend. Here are some ways to deal with a S

How to deal with difficult people at school

School is the best time of our lives, but it does not hold true for everybody because they have had to deal with some very difficult people. These are a few ways in which one can deal with difficult people at school.

How to deal with cheating

How to deal with cheating

When you realize that you have been cheated a sudden shock of infidelity hits right in your head. You would naturally think whether to end your relationship or give it another try. Here’s what you can do to get over the problem.

How to deal with accusations

It is really sad and painful for a person to stand a wrong accusation. The frustrations that one suffers for such blames are inexplicable, and coming out of it is really a tough job. Here we have given some of the essential ways of dealing with accusation

How to deal with betrayal

How to deal with betrayal

Betrayal or abandonment is the feeling of rejection and one of those distasteful truth which hits every individual at some point or other in their life. It is often described as violation of trusts and its results are annihilating. It’s never easy to cope

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