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stress at school as student and as teacher

How to deal with stress at school as student and as teacher

When it comes to dealing with school stress, children tend to take their school life seriously, in turn adversely affecting their health. Remember, if you do not control stress at the right time, stress will start controlling you. Check out the easy ways

How to deal with crazy woman

How to deal with crazy women

A woman’s mind is one of the most challenging puzzles that a man is confronted with. Women have an amazing ability to camouflage their true selves behind an impregnable mask. Crazy women can be truly exasperating with their unpredictable behavior and in

anxiety attacks at night

How to deal with anxiety attacks at night

With an increase in pressures and stress in everyday life the number of people suffering from anxiety attacks has increased manifold. Anxiety attacks at night is a terrible experience and only the people suffering from it can understand its effects.

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