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shyness reasons

How to deal with shy girls

Dealing with girls is a tough task. If you wish to strike a conversation and be friends with a shy girl, your challenge gets even bigger. You need to exhibit your suave charm without appearing too sugar-coated. Check out these tips to help yourself.


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How to deal with wedding stress

Wedding is one of the biggest, happiest, and most significant events in one’s life. Probably that is the reason that it causes huge stress in would-be bride and groom prior to the occasion. To deal with wedding stress you can consult a pre-marital counsel


How to deal with a shy girl

It is almost difficult to find shy girls these days. But they do exist and many men do not know how to deal with them, making things awkward for them and scaring them off in the process. If you have gotten interested in a shy girl and do not have a clue a

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Every woman has a different personality and it is for this reason that one has to always play a different game with each woman. But, there are certain basic rules that a man can follow in order to keep his wife happy.

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