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How to deal with crazy woman

How to deal with crazy women

A woman’s mind is one of the most challenging puzzles that a man is confronted with. Women have an amazing ability to camouflage their true selves behind an impregnable mask. Crazy women can be truly exasperating with their unpredictable behavior and in

deal with a passive aggressive person

How to deal with a passive aggressive person

Passive aggressive people are always pessimistic about everything in life even when everything is going really well. They always believe that their personal failure is because of other people and hence keep on cribbing over things. They always avoid work

How to deal with stressful situations in life

Stress is one of the biggest evils of the present modern day life. It not only damages our mental stability but also wrecks havoc on our health. Moreover, it is soon followed by frustration, depression and other behavioral disorders making the situation


How to deal with a Mama’s boys

Mama’s boys can be very endearing to girls, but it could also be difficult to deal with the constant comparison with his mother that you have to endure when you are his girlfriend. With a bit of tact and maturity, you surely can keep him as well as his

The end of a marriage can be quite distressing

A Step-to-Step Guide on How to Deal With a Divorce

The end of a marriage can be quite distressing. No matter what the causes of the split are, the crumbling of an everlasting commitment can create an upheaval in your life. However, there are many things you can do to get through this stressful period and

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