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How to deal with slackers

Everyone must have come across a person who would just refuse to work. Be it any kind of work. This person would just not be interested in performing the job and this has nothing to do with facts like the opinion of this worker is not favored or he receiv

How to deal with a micromanaging boss

Micro-managers can be really tough to handle and especially if they happen to be your boss. It not only hampers the personal development of an individual but also affects the work relation between you and your boss. A micromanaging boss is especially to

How to deal with emotional stress

Emotional stress can be caused by various triggers such as relationship failures, bad working conditions, demise of loved ones, accidents, etc., forcing people to take recourse to unhealthy coping techniques like binge drinking and taking drugs. Emotional

Teenagers tend to experience physical and emotional changes

How to deal with troubled teens

Teenagers tend to experience physical and emotional changes that may lead to teen troubles like depression, drug or alcohol abuse, relationship problems, anxiety, violence, identity crises, or issues with body image. See some of the steps to know how to d

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