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How to deal with separation anxiety in older children

Separation anxiety is a natural state of mind and not a condition. It is basically triggered when moving away from a point of dependency and this point can be anything from a toy to a person. It can affect people of any age group and is found generally in

deal with cunning people

How to deal with cunning people

Many times, you come across sly, cunning people who pose as friends and manipulate you to their advantage. This leaves you fuming and wishing that you could have been more careful in dealing with them. Here are some ways to deal with cunning people.

How to deal with retarded people

How to deal with retarded people

Not everyone knows how to deal with mentally retarded people. In many cases, we end up having understood nothing of what they say and not having made them understand anything that you wanted to convey. Here are some basic points to keep in mind while deal

How to deal with acne

How to deal with acne

Acne is a very common skin condition which affects people of all ages especially the teens. Hormonal variations, oily food, stress filled life, bacterial infections etc are some of the major causes of acne. Read on to find some of the best solutions which


How to deal with insurance company

Insurance in today’s world seems to be mandatory. To reduce the burden of risk insurance is taken. Like you may have heard there are a variety of policies. What you need to know is how to deal with the companies who provide policies; before and after ta


How to deal with spots

Spots on the face are the first signs of getting blackheads and then acne. These can be dealt with as soon as they appear and hence prevent acne and pimples. Dealing with them in the natural way is most recommended and hence prevents acne from appearing.

marriage problems

How to deal with marriage problems

In today’s world, best married couples are rarely found who understand each other. Marraige is an important part of everyone’s life but it has become impossible to find a relationship in which no conflict occurs. Here we have given some tips to deal with

deal with morning sickness

How to deal with morning sickness

The nausea and vomiting that occurs when you are pregnant is also termed as “morning sickness.” The increased levels of hormones in the body are primarily responsible for this sickness. The sickness is often triggered with some smell or food-taste and ten

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