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How to deal with anger

How to deal with anger and frustration

It is completely normal and even sometimes healthy to get angry. But problems arise due to vicious anger, i.e. when the emotion goes out of hand. Here are some ways to deal with anger and frustration.

How to deal with stress and anger at work

Things are not always the way we want them to be. And in such scenarios, one feels stressed and frustrated at work place. At times anger and stress dominate our mind and soul so badly that we end up wasting our time fighting our inner enemies and defini

How to deal with anger at workplace

Workplace is where we spend most of our time, working in an atmosphere that can be satisfying as well as demanding at the same time. With cut throat competition and deadlines to be met, an otherwise calm person can lose his or her temper and hurl out abus

How to deal with your anger

We all know that anger can be a really destructive emotion. It can show adverse effects on your health and if you are unable to deal with your anger skillfully, then it can affect virtually every other aspect of your life including relationships and caree

How to deal with anger and stress

Anger is quite a destructive emotion. People often act on impulse when they are led by anger, which can damage relationships, things and even your own health. Again there are times when people hold their anger in which can really harm your health. Dealing


How to deal with anger and depression

Emotional stability is one of the most critical aspects that determine sound health of any person. Today several people suffer from emotional diseases such as frustration; anxiety and depression, thanks to perpetual competition and survival of the fittest

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