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anxiety in a relationship

How to deal with anxiety in a relationship

Getting into a relationship is easy, but maintaining it is really difficult. Almost all men and women at some point suffer from anxiety and insecurity in their relationship. If proper steps are not taken, this anxiety can ruin the strongest relationships.

deal with anger issues at home

How to deal with anger issues at home

Anger issues can be frequently observed in homes, giving an unfavorable impression to the blissful atmosphere. According to medical research, the relationship between anger and illness is fast becoming a truism. Here are some tips to deal with anger issue

How to deal with anxiety in children

Modern and fast-paced life has affected children in many ways. Among the negative aspects, children face huge amount of stress and anxiety almost everywhere, inside and outside the home. Children do experience normal anxieties and fears such as stranger a

How to deal with anxiety naturally

In the stressful world of today, you may find many such people who complain about their anxiety. Anxiety can be due to many reasons and if not controlled on time, it can have lots of negative effects on your mind and body. Here we have given some tips on

How to deal with fear of flying

Vacations are typically a time to relax and enjoy sans any worries. However, leisure usually gets overpowered by stress for those people who are afraid of flying while they decide to go out for a vacation.

How to deal with tinnitus

Tinnitus is a persistent feeling of ringing in the ears caused even in absence of an external source of sound. Tinnitus as such is not a serious medical condition, however, there are some solutions to deal with the annoying problem.

How to deal with unrequited love

How to deal with unrequited love

Love is not always reciprocated or appreciated. When you feel that you love someone who does not return your affections it becomes a painful experience. If this kind of unrequited love is something that you’re dealing with, it’s important to buck up, and

How to deal with emotional stress

Emotional stress can be caused by various triggers such as relationship failures, bad working conditions, demise of loved ones, accidents, etc., forcing people to take recourse to unhealthy coping techniques like binge drinking and taking drugs. Emotional

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