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snobby male

How to deal with snobby people

Snobs have no dearth of tools to degrade you. Making them aware of their hurting behavior is one step in dealing with them; but more than often your efforts may fail to deliver, prompting you to dissociate from the company. Here are some helpful tips to a

Sufferings are an integral part of life

How to deal with suffering(Version-2)

Life doesn’t move in circles; so if you are facing something really bad now, it won’t remain as it is always. Sufferings are an integral part of life, that are not there to make you depressed and lose control over your life, but to provide more streng

deal with a passive aggressive person

How to deal with a passive aggressive person

Passive aggressive people are always pessimistic about everything in life even when everything is going really well. They always believe that their personal failure is because of other people and hence keep on cribbing over things. They always avoid work

How to deal with suffering

Life is full of tests and surely sometime life may appear to be unfair and cause you to suffer badly. However, we should understand that suffering always gives us some good experience. Here we have given some tips to deal with suffering.


How to deal with rejections in relationships

Human behavior is fraught with unpredictabilities. Therefore, the person you had shared a life or, at least, a relation with might suddenly turn hostile for reasons both fathomable and unfathomable. An unexpected rejection or break up is detrimental to bo

How to deal with a death

How to deal with a death

Every human being has a different personality and hence the way they deal with death and the time they take to get over it, might be different. Here are some peaceful ways to go about dealing with a death.

deal with child abuse

How to deal with child abuse

Child abuse is a very serious issue. If you found that a child is being abused in any way, you should report it to the concerned person immediately. It is important to spread the word about child abuse and its extensive impact, which emerges as a serious

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