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How to deal with separation anxiety in older children

Separation anxiety is a natural state of mind and not a condition. It is basically triggered when moving away from a point of dependency and this point can be anything from a toy to a person. It can affect people of any age group and is found generally in

man in stressful situation

How to deal with stressful situation | How to be calm

Some situations, such as family emergencies, public speaking and job interview can be very stressful if we are not accustomed to such situations. Here are some solutions for remaining calm when such situations arises.


How to deal with social anxiety and depression

Social anxiety is the fear and anxiety developed in a person that he will be judged negatively in social situations. This fear and anxiety causes feelings like embarrassment, low self confidence and depression. Here are some ways to deal with this fear.

deal with anxiety attacks while driving

How to deal with anxiety attacks while driving

While doing any hazardous work, there are chances of having anxiety attacks. Driving is also one situation. Having an anxiety attack while driving is something unthinkable for a normal driver, but some cases arise in which the driver is stricken by an att

How to deal with separation anxiety in relationships

There is no drugstore remedy for separation anxiety disorder as it is the outcome of extreme mental attachment of the sufferer with another person. Hence, only way to cope with the same is to create confidence by adopting various measures.

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